The Hunt Is On

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Widows. We have a deserter. Switch targets to Yelena Belova.

No way... Yelena deserted? How? When? Questions we're flooding my mind as one of the other widows grabbed me by the arm to start running with her. My best friend had gotten out... but where had she gone? Where was she going? She had been here only moments ago and now she was gone

Hey Y/n are you on target?

The question echoed from the communications device in my ear. I was still almost too stunned to respond the voice with the strong Russian accent bouncing around my brain.

Yeah, I'm on target.

We were all rushing to the last location of Yelena's tracking device and when we arrived, the original target was lying in a pool of her own blood, and possibly some of Yelena's, with no pulse and a dropping temperature. Next to her, was Yelena's bloody tracker glowing on the ground, a red light among a red sea.

Widows, your target is still in Barcelona. Keep your eyes peeled for the deserter.

And just like that, we were assigned another mission in Barcelona, to find, and terminate my best friend...

Two Weeks Later

I had been assigned to a group with two other widows, Niva and Boscha. We had been scouring the city for two days and finally we found a safe house that had evaded our radar. We had intel from Taskmaster that Yelena was likely inside.

Eyes on target?

"We have eyes on the deserter." Niva had been the one to report back, as we prepared ourselves for Yelena to be smoked out. And in one moment, smoke came billowing out the window of the suspected safehouse, along with two running figures.

"Y/n go right, get ahead of them and prepare for a fight." Niva had been made the leader of our group. While Niva and Boscha were firing at the now two targets, I was running to my new coordinates on the East side of the building to catch them off guard.

The commotion was booming on the other side of the building, with rounds upon rounds being fired by the second, being followed by screams, yells, or an unnerving thump on the floor. Finally I heard the two running across the rooftop and a loud clang of a makeshift chimney's brackets being broken. Yelena came flying on the large pipe landing at my feet on top of the East side of the building. She was grunting as she forced herself up, I had to terminate her, but I couldn't. She's the only family I have. But with that one thought, my brain was overridden by chemical subjugation, I could still hear, see, and somewhat think. I couldn't control my actions, it was like watching a movie in your skull through your eyes.

I lunged at her, knife in hand, but she grabbed my wrists at twisted them to restrict my movement. My right hand holding the knife dropped it into my left as I made a swipe at her clearly injured leg, she slid her leg out of the way shifting pressure onto my left hand and moved her leg back to pin it to the ground. It was over in an instant. I could see the stunners on my wrist begin the countdown for my termination when Yelena let off a red smoke bomb in my face. I began to be able to feel my body again as the lights on my wrist stunners faded away.

"Y/n come on! Natasha has Niva down there, we can help her too!" My whole body felt like jelly as Yelena dragged me by a wrist down to where a red head that seemed familiar knelt next to Niva. All it took was one glance to realize Niva was gone, her blood spilling out into the water and half her face fried. The one with red hair must be Natasha... Yelena's Natasha.

"Do you believe me now?" Yelena's signature pout was on her face again as she slid the vial of red gas back into place. She must have gotten it out to release Niva on our way down from the roof.

Natasha was getting up, clearly in pain, barely even standing.

"Who's your friend? I didn't know you were allowed to have friends in the Red Room." Even in all that pain she still couldn't wipe that smirk off her face, but it still couldn't hide her wincing in pain as she began to stand up.

"We'd better get going..." Yelena took one last look at Natasha then gripped my hand again as though I was going to disappear.

We made our way down to the road where we stole some poor guy's car and sped off, being chased by some kind of tank!

"It's them..." Yelena didn't sound very pleased, and by the tone of her voice it wasn't hard to figure out who was in the tank approaching from behind, especially whenever they emerged from the top wielding a bow with glowing arrows.

"Put on your seatbelts!" Natasha's words sounded like something in between an order and a reprimand, so we did what she said. And immediately after our seatbelts had clicked, a large boom sent the car flying...

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