Chapter Five

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We are going to blow up a spaceship. Kill thousands is what we're about to do. I mean sure their aliens and their horrible but they don't all deserve to die. We also can't just let them take over Earth.

I lock eyes with the doctor and he puts his hands on my face. "I don't want to do this" he says with sorrow in his eyes. "I know" I softly reply. "I am with you until the end Doctor, I put my full trust in you and i will support your decision" i tell him.

He kisses me on the forehead and starts to walk out of the door. I follow behind him and check for aliens. The hallways were clear but i could hear footsteps in the distance. "We've got to go now" i say urgently.

I take the doctors hand and lead him down the hallway. We pass multiple doors until we come across a "fork in the road". We turn left and i soon see the lights from the control room. "I'm here!" i whisper shout to the doctor.

We enter the room and the doctor quietly shuts the door. The room is wide and dark with multiple computer screens and buttons that light up the room. There was a chalkboard with words written on it in a different language.

There was what seemed to be electrical burns along the side of the walls. The room had a dank wet like smell to it that made me cringe. The Doctor and i start to search for anything that can help us destroy the ship.

All of the computers have different purposes but i stop when i come across one that says "Ship Overtaken" and i sake my head. These bloody idiots, they can't even figure out how to hide things.

"Doctor come over here i think i found it" i say. He walks over quickly and points his sonic at the screen. Sure enough the words "Self destruction" pop up. "Atta girl" he says excitedly and putting his hands on my shoulders.

I stand guard at the door as he uses his screwdriver on the screen. "Okay faye we have about two and a half minutes to get back to the tardis starting now"

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