Chapter Four

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The Doctors POV:

I struggle against the aliens around me as I try to get myself over to Faye. "Faye" I shout but they had dragged her around the corner and I doubt she could hear me. "Bring her back right now" I say to the main alien sharply. "We have a deal Doctor now you will help us" he snaps back. "If you hurt her don't even worry about me helping you because you will have a much bigger issue to deal with" I yell angrily. I should of seen this coming, they took Faye. They have leverage now but I don't care because she's not leverage she's Faye and if they think ill let them do anything to her they are most certainly wrong.

"So how exactly am i going to help you" I ask the main alien. He looks around at the other aliens and a smirk spreads across his face. "I want you to help us take over earth" he says as if he expects me to know he was going to say that. He must be absolutely mad if he thinks I'm going to help him overtake earth. "Why would you ever think that I'd  help you do that, who even are you" I ask with hints of confusion in my voice.

"We are The High Order Of Strethapatoria and our planet was destroyed in The Time War, we have been searching for new places to call home and earth is perfect" he says confidently.


Fayes POV:

It's been almost 15 minutes and I'm tired of waiting. A guard came by and searched me, he took out my wallet and cellphone and brought them to I assume the leader. The guard now stands around the corner. Think Faye you need to get out of here and you cant just wait around for The Doctor to save you.

"Oi... somethings wrong... help" I shout in a panicked voice. The guard comes rushing around the corner and raises an eyebrow. "I think.... I'm having...a....heart attack" I say trying my best to sound out of breath. "And what am I supposed to do about it" He says with no emotion. Wow someone's having a heart attack the least you can do Is act like you care a little, I mean it may be a fake one but still. " the doctor" I say.

The guard opens the door and starts to guide me back to the room we arrived in. Just before we can get far enough to be surrounded I drop to the ground. If I'm gonna pretend I might as well make it believable.


The Doctors POV:

"Your mad if you think that I would help you take over this planet!" I shout completely enraged. "These people have done nothing to you so you are going to have to call somewhere else your home because I can assure you that it wont be this planet!" As the main alien is about to speak a bunch of the other ones turn and look over to the corner of the room. I turn around and see one of them bringing Faye out. I give her a confused look. Suddenly she drops to the ground. What did they do to her? If they hurt her they are gonna wish they never even met me.

I run over to her pushing aliens out of the way. I shove the alien away from her and lift her up by her elbows. She seems to not have any physical marks on her so why did she faint? Her eyes open and she grabs me by the arms and starts running in the direction she came from.  We pass several corridors how many corridors does someone need. We round a corner and she pulls me into a room. The room has stone walls and a lamp on the celling that must not work that well considering that I can only see the outline of Faye's face. The room is so small that were so close were almost pressed together. Faye's breathing is uneven but its most likely claustrophobia because theirs a very unlikely chance it's the same reason I'm having difficulties keeping mine steady.

"Did they hurt you?" I ask hugging her after a few moments of unbearable silence. It was an odd hug considering the room was so small but it was better than nothing. "No not at all" she says tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears. "The fainting was quite clever" I say a smile rising on my face. "Thank you now did you find out what they want?" she asks with urgency in her voice. "Ahh yes well you see they want to take over the planet and claim it as their own" I tell her watching a frown fall on her face which quite sucks because I love her smile. Snap out of it Doctor now isn't the time for this.

"What are we going to do then?" she says with worry coating her voice. For once I'm not sure what to do. There are thousands of peoples lives that are at risk but more importantly Faye's and I've got her right in the middle of it. From the conversation I had earlier they aren't going to stop until this becomes their planet. No No No there needs to be another way. Blowing up these aliens is not exactly what I want to do and I'm not sure Faye would be too keen on it either. It's the only way though. We have to blow up their ship.

I grab Faye's hands and look into her eyes and a smile sets on her face that I really wish wasn't about to be taken off. "We have to blow up the ship" I say gently. The smile vanishes and is replaced with a blank look. "Are you sure there's no other way?" she asks with hints of hope in her voice. "I've evaluated every possible way and this is the only one that will work I'm so so sorry I truly a-" she cuts me off by putting her finger on my mouth. "Doctor I trust you with my life and if you say theres no other way then there's no other way" she says with seriousness in her voice.


Fayes POV:

"We have to blow up the ship" The Doctor says so softly it could almost count as a whisper. Blow up the ship I mean that seems a little cruel. I study The Doctors face for a moment before I respond. His face is sad and all the previous anger has left. "Are you sure there's no other way?" I ask him. He starts to ramble on clearly not happy with what's about to happen. "This is the only way"

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