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This is pretty much like a prologue. I wanted to show how close Mary is with Zain. Also I'm spelling Zayn's name Zain until the point where he changes it in x-factor.


Chapter 1

Mary's POV ( 10 years ago, age 7)

"Honey, wake up," said the gentle voice of my mom filling into my room "We're moving today, baby."

I slowly opened my eyes ready to have an adventure.

"Mommy, will there be any kids there?" I asked.

"Of course, Mary! You're going to have new friends. Now come on let's go!" I changed into the clothes that Mommy put out and said one last goodbye to the house.

A few hours later we arrived to our new house. Our neighbors were already there to greet us.

"Long time, no see." stated my daddy. Turns out my momma knew our neighbors from college and had been friends ever since. There was an older girl and a boy standing shyly near their father.

"This is Mary!" Said my mom.

"Hi, I'm Doniya"

"And I'm Zain"


"Doniya, Zain, Mary! I baked some cookies!" called Auntie Trisha. Suddenly we were running to the kitchen, racing to see who can get the first cookie. Doniya, of course, being oldest, took the first one. We sat down and ate. We were family and nothing was going to change that.


We were in my living room when Zain decided that he wanted to play tag.

"Zaynie! Come here!"I begged. Usually Doniya and I would team up and get Zain. But Doniya went to her friends house again. She stills plays with us but she says she wants to hang out with people her age. I don't know. Older people are weird. I'm happy that Zain is only 9. I ran to the yard to see Zain hiding in a tree. I climbed up forgetting our game of tag. I scooted myself next to my best friend, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Zaynie, I'm tired"

"Me too Mary."


"Maryyyyyy! Imma imma imma beat you up if you don't come out!" Shouted Zain.

"You know you'll never do that." I told him, coming out from my hiding place.

"I'll never hurt you Mary. I love you too much."

"Pinkie promise?"

"Pinky promise."

"Okay, love you too Zaynie!"


"Zain! Why are you playing with that girl? Come play with us. We'll be better friends than her!" Shouted Matt, the boy who lives down the street. My lip trembled and my eyes watered, fearing that my best friend would leave me. Anger flared in his eyes and that was the moment I remembered that he would never hurt me.

"I would never leave Mary for a jerk like you! She's the best friend ever and you're just mean!" Yelled Zain as he hooked our arms and stormed off to our parents.


It was my 8th birthday. We just had a little family party. There was ice cream cake and balloons and it was so fun. I got a new swing set! I was really happy also because Zain won't brag about how much older he is than me. He's only a year and a half

Zain was pushing me on the swing while I laughed gleefully.

"I dare you to scream out to the world that you are a princess!"

"Why? I'm a prince!" He said, puffing out his chest. " you're a princess!"

"Well if I'm a princess and you're a prince then why don't you kiss me!" I said teasingly.

He thought for a second and leaned in. Right then I tickled him and ran away.

"I love you Zain, but I don't want cooties!" I yelled, still running. I saw mine and Zain's parents on the porch and I sat down. Zain came and I lied on him, feeling tired. He stroked my hair and hummed in my ear while our parents watched on, amused.

" I swear, those two are going to fall in love one day." Chuckled my father as Zain's dad joined into the laughter. Our moms just rolled their eyes and smiled


A/N so I hope you like this chapter even though its pretty short

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