How does she feel?

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"Ok so blondie, you are telling me that Varian is Casandra's secret admirer... I don't know what to say its just a bit of a surprise. I'm starting to feel sorry for that kid, spend half his life trying to impress Cass and she is just... I don't know not liking him?" said Eugene startled by the news.

"Maybe she has feelings for him too" replied Rapunzel.

"I doubt that, sunshine do you remember the last time Cassandra had feelings for someone? No, cause the only time she had ever fallen in love was with a man-bun who she was faking with. See feelings are rare not even rare to be exact it doesn't exist with her" snorted Eugene.

"Everyone has feelings Eugene, Cassandra just needs to show it out" said Rapunzel walking around Eugene deep in thought.

"Listen sunflower we talked about this before, If you want to be Cassandra's friend, which I still don't understand, you must  have realized by now that she isn't the feelings type of one, she will let her feelings out afterall and being her friend you must respect and understand that ok?"

"I guess you're right Eugene, but how does she feel at all?" she asked before kissing him.


Hi guys, sorry for the small chapters but I wanted to send them together so it would make up to the other chapters. Sadly it didn't get published... anyway hope you enjoy.

Black Pearl


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