Chapter 8 - Day 4 Pt. 1 <3

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HOLD UP WE REACHED 1K! Thank y'all so much that means so much to me to see that

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HOLD UP WE REACHED 1K! Thank y'all so much that means so much to me to see that. <33

Lexi's  Pov- Day 4 <3

I woke up to strong arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled already knowing it was Paxton.

"I knew your up." I said.

He smiled and turned towards me while placing a kiss on my cheek. "Good morning baby."

"Good morning know come on we have to get ready and we have to take you to your house to get some clothes." He frowned but still got up.

Everyone else went home last night. Well except for Marcus since he lives here.

" I had an idea for our day 4 but it's gonna have to be our day 5." he exsplains.

"What why?" i asked

"The swim team needs to raise money so they decided that we should have an all Abs car wash. And I have to be there."

"hmm so if you don't have abs you can't go." I tilted my head while asking.

"What no! Of course not but that's what Reggie one of the guys on my swim teams calling it and since it's a swim team you have to be in a swim suit." he said.

"Chill i was kidding. Can I come I could help you guys."

"I don't think that's a good idea cupcake."

"What why not?" I crossed my arms.

"I don't want guys seeing you in a swim suit."

"It's not like i'd do anything. Besides i'd wear shorts instead and I can ask Devi Eleanor and Fabiola. Rebecca said she'd be working all week but maybe they could come."

"I don't know about that."

"If you can go without a shirt then why can i go in a swim suit."

He sat there staring at me."Fine but you have to show me which you chose to wear. "

I smiled at him. "Deal."


I took Paxton home so he could change before we left to school. I decided on my hair half up half down with one half in a bun. I took out my white nike sweatpants and paired it with my brown cami top with my all white air forces.

I sat in the car scrolling on tik tok waiting for Paxton to finish changing until i heard a tap at my window.

It was a very pretty blonde women who looked to be maybe in her early 30s. "Hi can i ask why your sitting in my driveway?" she asked.

"Oh i'm so sorry I can move onto the street I was just waiting for Paxton." I exsplain.

"Wait what's your name?"

"Lexi. I'm really sorry i can move in just a friend of Paxton's."


"Yea how did you know that." I asked.

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