It was a rainy day for him

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"What happened?" the doctor at the reception asked as he stand up to go reach for help.

"He is barely breathing; we found an insane amount of drug in his system. We can't recognize it with the little amount of material we had in the ambulance." The main doctor was still trying to find his pulse as the line of the monitor was nearly flat.

The boy on the litter had his left hand hanging out of the poor little bed. Louis noticed a little cross tattoo on his thumb and a beautiful silver watch lying there, on this lifeless body. The sheet was covering his face; sadly, Louis thought he could see his face before he never got the chance to. He knew that if he had seen his face he would probably traumatizing, but the insane amount of browns curls on this boy head was enough to pick his curiosity.

"What's his name? Where do you find him? Does his parents are coming?" the receptionist asked as he was now taking the litter in a room where Louis cannot see. H decided to follow discretely even know he can be caught.

He made little step to not alarm anyone. He was by the door that was now almost closed but Louis doesn't care. All he could think was this curl.

This perfect browns lock of hair.

Louis thought he was crazy because he knew he would never saw this boy again. But the doctor's voice brought him back to the tragic reality. This boy had probably overdosed.

"We don't know. It's his neighbour that made the call. She said she found him barely hanging on. She said she was always checking on him but this time, he never opened the door and she found him on the kitchen floor. She was so panicking that she doesn't give other information. Thank to this lady, if she wouldn't done that, he would probably be already dead." the doctor goes to uncover his face that a hand on his shoulder made him startled. He turned around just to find-

"Mary! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?" he asked like he just ran a marathon.

"I could be asking the same think about you, Louis." She asked. Mary was this middle aged woman that can always find a way to comforted someone. She had been his principal doctor since he got here on full time 8 years ago. She was so comforting when Louis couldn't understand what was happening with his body, why does he always had does same four pills.

"I was just... passing by and heard those loud voices and... I was wondering where they came from" Louis said, searching his word. He was never a good liar, but this, this was the truth. Nearly.

"Probably, yeah. You better go to sleep, I need to wake you up in five hours and every time it takes you a million hours to get out of the bed." She said with a half smile, laughing. Louis always found her so nice, she always made him warmth in his heart, it was comforting.

"Yeah. I'm going. See you later!" he said turning around and waving at her. She was probably the reason he left with a tiny smile but noticeable smile. Because of what he saw today, he will probably in his owns head and that was scaring him.

Scared. Scared of himself.

He followed the said corridor that lead to his bedroom. He changed his clothes to most comfortable one, delicately for not damaged his breathing tube. He crawled in his bed, the same he still managed to unmade after the maid came and made his. He was so tired with everything he saw today that his eyes closed almost immediately.


That was his favourite moment of his day, because when you sleep, you can't feel all the pain you're in whether physically or mentally. It was also his favourite moment because when he was closing his eyes, he could be who he wanted, with who he wanted, not having his condition, his friends and his parents. He could invent a new life, but the most important part for was that he could feel loved by other. Other than his mother, than his friends, other than Mary. A love like in the movie. Where the other person can take his pain away, but he knew that there was a reason where it was in the movie.

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