talking stage 🐼 .

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cierra was a nice, sweet and caring person. all of her friend had boyfriends but she focused on learning and everything. as cierra got older she started going out more and she felt as if she should get a boyfriend. months later her and her friend tyraun got closer & closer , they started going to sleep on the phone together and they basically talked to each other all day ! cierra liked tyraun for a couple of weeks but she didn't know if he felt the same way about her. as weeks passed cierra & tyraun would throw shots that they liked each other but neither of them would go with the first move. cierra would always talk to her cousin caliyah about tyraun. cierra would tell her about how she would love to be his gf and all of that.. cierra was a bit freaky though. caliyah thought it would be a great idea to text tyraun and show him messages that cierra said 🤓. tyraun texted cierra and asked her out :) . cierra was so shocked and surprised .. she never thought that day would come. cierra mother didn't allow cierra to have boyfriend because of her grades & other reasons. but cierra did it anyway but when her mom found out , her mom really didn't care because she knew tyraun mom but she was disappointed in cierra . cierra would say she was going to friends houses but actually went to tyraun house and they did a few questionable things....tyraun did not know cierra was that freaky 😂 . months passed and cierra would still lie and go to ty house doing the nasty. cierra body started to feel different and she would throw up a bit .. she told her mom her symptoms.. her mother thought really hard and realized those were the same symptoms she had. she questioned cierra, but cierra always said NO. cierras mother decided to go purchase some pregnancy tests. cierra wasn't ready but she did it anyway😃. the results came back positive.. cierra cried & her mom stared disappointed in her. her mother called her father and cierra got grounded for a week or so without communicating with tyraun :/ . tyraun was a bit worried though. cierra mom wanted her to get an abortion but cierra denied and invited tyraun over and told him. he stared in disbelief. cierra was worried that he might leave her but he actually didn't , he was happy. cierra mom put her out for a while telling her she wouldn't be nothing in life but a slut!!! < she is one! cierra cried hoping tyraun parents would let her stay there. they let her stay but it wasn't like what she expected. tyraun started going out & being more toxic .. cierra wished she would've listened to her mother , cierra didn't like how things worked in that household so she begged for her mom to take her back , her mom said no so she then begged her grandmother. her grandma said yes but she would have to help around the house. cierra then started a YouTube channel hoping that it would help her out. school would be in 2 weeks so cierra did her best buying school stuff with the little money she got off youtube.. she was only 14 so it was hard finding jobs in her area.. she was able to work at Burger King though.. to be continued

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