Doubts, 'Bouts--- Bads.

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I have always anticipate the next day, next week, next month, and next year. Unstoppable anticipation, excited about what's in there. Curious about what I will be.

Growing day by day, I still anticipate the future but something changed. I became anxious about today. Of, what if I will fucked it up? What if a single mistake can ruin the succeeding days? And by there and then, I didn't know how to live my present.

There were series of questions of where did I go wrong? Will I have a future? Always anxious since waking up the next day is like winning a lottery or having a funeral service for a loved one. It's as if, the world won't stop moving even though I crumble, fall and even die. Disappear like a bubble but things will keep on going as if I wasn't here. As if there's no mark of existence. As if, I didn't breathe the same cold and hot air.

As time pass by, I just wanted the hurt to subside. I wanted the time to come so fast when situation's isn't favorable. Had it hard since then but why do I still keep on moving? Little energy, few reasons to live and a single tear of hope.

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