how they met [1]

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Creater's note- I'm not sure how much ill do of this but I'll do my best ^^

I'm trapped here all alone, my brother is gone and everyone is dead. I think I turned to stone from lack of positive emotions but it's all fuzzy in my memory. All I know is that I'm alone here and I can't leave because I can't sense any positivity. I miss my brother. I wonder what he's doing out there, wherever 'there' is... Sometimes I swear that I can hear his voice but when I turn to see him, he's not there.

I don't know how long it's been since the incident or how long I've been stone. I should just be patient and wait. But wait for what? I'm not sure anymore...

[The next day]
I'm bored. I've got a week off since horror burnt the kitchen down so boss needs time to fix it. Lol. Y'know, there's an au that boss has told us to never enter. I think it's called 'dreamtale' or something like that. Ever since he said that I've been so curious on why we shouldn't go there. Is it dangerous? Is it his au!? No, don't be ridiculous, boss destroyed his au.

Well, I'm a strong sans. If it is dangerous I could fight whoever attacks! Besides, I don't have to tell boss that I went so what's the harm?

[No POV]
Cross' curiousity overpowered what his boss had warned. Cross set off on what he thought of as an adventure.

It looks so empty here. What in the name of asgore happened? If this place is empty then what's the point of warning others not to go?? There has to be something.

-he keeps searching-

Wha- who? There is someone! Why am I so anxious? It's just a person, all alone, in an au I was told not to go in.. uh yeah.

[No POV]
Cross finally mustered up enough courage to call the mysterious person, sitting alone at an old-looking tree stump. "H-hello?" Cross called with a slight tremor in his voice.
The person flinched at the sudden voice. They turned to look at cross. Cross could see that this person was hurt and had been crying, concern replacing his fear.

"Hello?, Are you okay?" I walked over to the person whilst still being cautious of a potential threat.
They were now looking at me, they looked more confused than anything else to be honest. I just have so many questions now..

[No POV]

"How- where? When? Wh-who are you?" they stuttered.

It seems like cross wasn't the only one with lots of questions.

"I'm cross! Who are you?" -c

This was a start.

"..."  -d

They paused in thought.

Did they remember who they were?

"My name is dream.. I think" -d

Cross was confused on how someone could forget their own name he but ignored the question.

"How are you here?" -d

They looked more confused then cross.

"What do you mean?" -c

"I mean that, I, um,-" -d

They struggled to find the words they were looking for.

"I mean that everyone is dead! How are you here!? I'm the only surviver!" -d

*Was there a genocide route here?* Cross thought to himself.

"It's clear that you're not from here" -d

"Huh? Oh so you know about aus?" -c

"I don't know, but please, can you do me a favour?" -d

"Depends, what do you want?" -c

"... Can you take me outside of this broken world?" -d

"Um, I don't know. I wasn't even supposed to come here but I did. I shouldn't mess with things" -c

"Oh, I see, thank you anyways 'cross'" -d

Dream looked somewhat upset yet understanding with cross' response. Cross could see this. He wanted to help them but was wary of what his boss had said.
After some thinking, cross had made a decision. He didn't care if it would get him in trouble.

"I'm going to help you." -c

"But you said-" -d

"I don't care, come on, I'll get you out of here" -c

Cross held his hand out to let dream use it to lift themselve up. Dream accepted the offer. Only when dream stood was when cross realised how weak they were. 
Cross felt bad for the smaller skeleton. He lifted them up and carried them out of the au to save them energy.
Dream was surprised at first but appreciated the help.

Creater's note- I'll add more chapters later, hope y'all liked this -v-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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