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1711, Aethiel Palace, Kestramore City   ELEANORA thought that breakfast served in bed was only stuff of legend, overly exaggerated portrayals of how the royals lived, but when she saw the maids entering her room bringing whole trays of food loaded...

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1711, Aethiel Palace, Kestramore City
ELEANORA thought that breakfast served in bed was only stuff of legend, overly exaggerated portrayals of how the royals lived, but when she saw the maids entering her room bringing whole trays of food loaded on trolleys, she knew that it was true.

    "What would you have this morning, Miss Finley?" one of the maids asked courteously.

     "Over here I have farfalle with chicken a la creme, pâté de foie gras on top of fresh baguette and dauphinoise potatoes  In Lucie's trolley, there is apple tarte tatin, creme au caramel and a small spread of cheese and cured meats."

    The red-haired girl was stunned. Out of all the names that the maid had mentioned, she only knew about baguette and the cheese with cured meats.

      "I will have the bread-"

       "Don't be silly!" a familiar voice taunted, cutting her off midsentence.

       "Serve all of them for me and my daughter. Ah, bring me the farfalle first."

    Eleanora turned around to see her mother standing in the middle of the room, wearing a fitted gown of dark green brocade trimmed with yellow lace.

Her pale blonde hair was no longer dirty, and it was now pulled up into an immaculate updo, giving her the appearance of a noble and matronly middle aged woman.

    "Mother?" she blurted out in confusion. How is it possible for Dinah Finley to completely transform overnight ? Eleanora could barely believe that this clean and respectable woman was her own mother.

However, when Dinah began to scoop up large spoonfuls of the farfalle and stuff them into her mouth like a prisoner that has not eaten for weeks, she knew that her mother remained unchanged.

        "I am so glad I came here," she muffled in between bites. "My maidservant only brought me some bread and cheese, and nothing else! She must think that I am a beggar!

At the very least, she should have brought these potatoes along with her!" Dinah shouted while pointing at the dauphinoise potatoes that Eleanora had been eating.

    The potatoes were incredibly soft and creamy with a crispy exterior, and Eleanora had never tasted anything as such.

Despite all the luxuries that surrounded her however, Eleanora would much rather sit in the Lovetts' teahouse, feasting on flaky, buttery scones filled with blueberry jam and clotted cream while listening to Master Lovett's tales.

All of a sudden, the heavenly dauphinoise potatoes became unpalatable to her, and she silently pushed her plate away. How could she stay here, living like a blue-blooded princess while the Lovetts aimlessly wait for her to return ?

The Queen had said that she was to meet the prince today. If he did not like her, then would she be allowed to return to the town of Raevigny?
      Eleanora had so many questions, but she knew no one who could give her an answer.

A Gilded Cage | Tales From The Court of Ravaeryn #2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now