We had started our journey about an hour ago. The place we had to go to wasn't that far, but it felt like forever.

Karliah led us through the cavern, very cautious of her surroundings. We all made small talk occasionally, but we were mostly silent.

"So, Nightengales, huh?" Brynjolf said to Karliah.

"Yes. Mercer, Gallus, and I all took the oath to become Nightengales." Karliah responded with a sigh.

"Now what? With Mercer in hiding, anything could go wrong at any moment-" I said. I had somehow managed to get into Brynjolf's arms, and Karliah had taken notice. She slightly raised an eyebrow at me and I gave her a look of 'not right now'.

We continued on, and she told us all different stories of the Nightengales. It was really interesting hearing what everyone had been doing.

I started to wonder how I was going to face Mercer after everything. Would I kill him? Would I let him die from the blade of another? Would I let him go? Would I-


"Huh, what?" I replied.

"You seemed like something was bothering you. Are you alright?" Brynjolf asked.

I sat down on a small ledge behind us. He joined me, and I noticed Karliah was nowhere to be seen.

"Wait, wheres Karliah?" I asked, worried.

"We're stopping for now. She found a hay bale to sleep on, but I'm not tired." He replied.

He put his arm around me, and laid my head down on his shoulder.

"I'm so worried about everything. I don't want to have to kill Mercer. I watched him grow up. What would our parents say?"

"Lass, I trust you, and what you decide to do." He replied, planting a small kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up about an hour after I fell asleep. Brynjolf was still asleep on the other hand. He had his head laid on mine. I smiled a bit and looked around and saw Karliah sitting down near me.

"So, you and Brynjolf, huh?" She whispered with a big smile.

I shrugged, careful not to wake Bryn.

"I guess so, I don't know what we are." I replied.

"The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, hell, the way he speaks to you, he is-"

"-awake." Brynjolf said with a devious smile.

My eyes widened. Karliah started laughing hysterically. I got up and grabbed my sword.

"Well, we should probably hurry up." I acknowledged. The other two got up and grabbed their stuff too.

We made our way through the cavern, barely speaking. All of a sudden we stopped.

"I need you two to put this on." Karliah said, handing us a pile of armor.

"Right here?" I asked.

"Just turn your backs to each other if you're uncomfortable." She spoke. She knew exactly what she was doing to the two, but she wouldn't dare say it.

We did as told, and changed our armor. Once we were both done, we faced eachother.

"Woah-" We said in unison. Karliah giggled a little bit.

"Come on, we need to have you two officially become Nightengales."

"Wait, what? I'm not one for religion, so why choose me?" Brynjolf asked.

"If we want any chance at defeating Mercer, we need to have Lady Nightengale backing us up." Karliah responded.

We walked on, confused.

I looked over at Brynjolf whi had been oddly quiet. He looked back at me slightly.

"This is enough to make your head spin, eh Lass?" He said to me with a small chuckle. I nodded as we approached the room.

"Well, this is it. Are you two ready?" Karliah asked.

Brynjolf and I both nodded.

"Then lets go become Nightengales."


hey besties

sorry for the wait, i had some personal issues going on so i had to deal with all that.

i hope yall liked this chapter :)

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