Chapter Fifty Two: I never meant to hurt you

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The night before Christmas Eve, that morning was just awful for grimmauld after Percy Weasley the Weasley's older brother sent back Molly's sweater molly has been crying and stress cleaning all morning. After Remus finally convinced molly to sit down and let Sirius make breakfast she was to exhausted to fight back. Fred however heard Phoenix's plan by "accident" he himself was slowly making a plan of his own to protect Phoenix and his family. Fred hasn't told Phoenix he knew but Phoenix was been wondering what's been going on with Fred since his thoughts have been quiet lately and hasn't spoke to her. Ron slept in Phoenix's room the last few nights since George has been snoring so loud lately it's been keeping Ron up. Phoenix was drawing away at her desk while Ron, Hermoine and Harry were planning the next DADA meeting when they returned to school while breakfast was being made.

"How about boggarts?" Ron said

"We learned those in third year" Harry said

Phoenix looked up at the flustered faces and chuckled

"How about we have a duel to see what we know then from there we decided what needs to be worked on" Phoenix said Hermoine, Harry and Ron all nodded and agreed with that. Phoenix went back to drawing before Sirius called everyone down for breakfast. Phoenix sat down and Fred walked in looking exhausted he slumped down over in his seat.

"You look tired" Ron chuckled Fred groaned and rubbed his eyes

"George has been taking these sleep potions before bed and he's been snoring so fucking loud" Fred huffed George then walked in and sat down with a smile with his twin looked awful.

"Speak of the devil" Sirius chuckled Phoenix chuckled softly seeing Fred's annoyance but Fred just glared at Phoenix and that made her stomach dropped. She looked down at her plate and continued eating quietly

"So I hope everyone is looking forward to tomorrow" Sirius said kindly but nobody answered Sirius saw everyone was in such a gloomy mood. He sat down quietly and looked at Phoenix

"Why so glum?" Sirius asked softly Phoenix just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head

"Who knows" Phoenix muttered softly Sirius sighed and saw that Fred was giving Phoenix the cold shoulder. Phoenix put her plate in the sink and walked over to Sirius

"Can I go to godric's hollow? To see you know" Phoenix asked quietly implying to seeing cedrics and her mother's grave.

"I suppose you can take your bike just stay low" Sirius said Phoenix smiled and ran over to the kitchen door before Fred made a awful remark

"won't be surprised if you didn't come back" Fred said under his breath ron kicked Fred under the table and Phoenix slapped Fred upside the head

"Who do you think you are to say that! After a week of a avoiding me that's all you have to say, get your head out of your ass carrots" Phoenix said before leaving the kitchen and getting ready to leave.

"She hasn't used that name in a while" ron said angrily

"Oh she's mad" Hermoine said before following ron out the kitchen and Harry quietly left the table.

"Just tell her you git" George said angrily before leaving the kitchen. Fred was left sitting across the table glaring at him and Fred instantly regretted saying that to Phoenix.

"Care to explain" Sirius said angrily Fred looked at Sirius and took a breath

"If I do this stays between us" Fred said Sirius nodded and Fred began to tell Sirius what's been going on and about a plan he had in store


Phoenix pulled up to godric's hollow and went to the cemetery, parking her motorcycle and zipping her winter jacket up she walked to the top of the hill where the beautiful willow tree bloomed. Before Amos died he enchanted the willow tree to never die and never lose its colour so the leaves stayed orange since it was Cedric's favourite time of year. Phoenix walked up to the three gravestones in a perfect row and Phoenix kneeled down and smiled softly at the three.

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