Chapter fifty-one: St.Mungo's

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The next morning Phoenix, Hermione, Ron, Harry, George, Ginny, molly, Remus and Moody were all walking down London streets to St. Mungo's hospital. Fred held Phoenix's hand the whole way Phoenix never seen Fred look so worried and concerned he never shows this side only behind close doors. After last night too Phoenix couldn't process the truth she held when she gets back to grimmauld she needed more answers. They walked up to a old shopping complex, moody knocked on it three times and a door magically opened. They all stepped in and appeared in front of St.Mungos Phoenix felt a chill down her spin and felt Fred grip her hand tighter.

"Quickly now" molly ushered Phoenix held her breath as they walked into the hospital and upstairs to the patient's floor. Molly walked into Arthur's room while the others waited, Fred kept tapping his foot repeatedly and Phoenix saw the nervous look on his face. Phoenix laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his hand

"He's going to be okay Freddie" Phoenix said softly Fred laid his head down on hers and sighed

"I'm just worried, I'm glad your here" Fred whispered Phoenix smiled softly as he kissed her forehead

"I'll always be here" Phoenix whispered softly

"Fred, George, Ron, Ginny come on" molly called over Fred stood up and looked down at Phoenix who was smiling softly up at Fred

"You'll be okay" Phoenix smiled Fred nodded and went off with his siblings and went into Arthur's room. Phoenix looked down the hall and seen Neville sitting outside a room, Phoenix got up and walked over to Neville

"Hey Neville" Phoenix smiled Neville looked up and smiled at Phoenix

"Phoenix what are you doing here?" Neville asked kindly

"I'm here seeing Arthur right now and yourself?" Phoenix smiled as she sat down next to Neville, he sighed softly as he played with a chocolate wrapper

"I'm here seeing my parents" Neville said softly Phoenix sighed softly and gave Neville a soft smile

"I'm sorry to hear that Neville" Phoenix said

"Oh don't be, my gran said it will get better" Neville said Phoenix sat with Neville in silence before Neville looked at Phoenix and sighed

"You know Bellatrix lestrange?" Neville asked Phoenix nodded remembering last week looking at the daily prophet and seeing she had escaped

"Yes she—I remember her" Phoenix said

"Well my parents were apart of Dumbledore's army back in the day, they were only twenty Bellatrix used the cruico curse on them and—erm made them go mad" Neville said as his gram walked out, Neville tilted his head gesturing to follow Neville into the room. Neville's gran smiled at Phoenix as the two walked in. Phoenix saw a pale, short brown hair lady laying in a hospital bed staring out the window.

"She doesn't speak only really stairs but sometimes she'll give me these wrappers" Neville said as he showed Phoenix the chocolate wrapper. Phoenix felt awful that Alice long bottom and Neville's family had to go through this because of Voldemort.

"Didn't Umbridge use that curse on you?" Neville asked softly Phoenix looked up from Alice and nodded

"Yes she did, but I never knew this could happen" Phoenix said softly Neville nodded

"Do—do you think we could defeat this?" Neville asked Phoenix gave Neville a smile and patted his back

"If we all stick together then we will, Neville we will avenge them" Phoenix smiled Neville gave Phoenix a small smile and Phoenix gave Neville a hug

"I have to head back but I'll see you at school Neville" Phoenix smiled

"Happy Christmas Phoenix" Neville smiled

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