Georges worst nightmare (2)

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(TW: S/H, swearing)

George was mad at himself. He disobeyed Dream. He disobeyed the person he loved the most.  His mind was filled with millions of questions and thoughts now. "What if Dream doesn't trust me anymore? What if he hates me now? What if he wants to break up with me? Ugh, I'm so dumb... I hate myself..."  - The brunet thought while making his way to the underground railway station.  His head was bent down all the time, and his mask was right below his eyes so nobody could see the tears that were splitting over and flowing down his face like a river escaping a dam.

He sat alone on a bench and plugged  his headphones into his phone. He glanced at his reflection of the phone screen for a moment and realized how red his eyes were, but he couldn't help crying. He listened to a few songs before his train arrived. He hopped into the train and sat as far as possible from anyone because he didn't want anyone to see that he was crying. His leg was constantly shaking unconsciously.

Time skip

George got out of the train and slowly made his way to the beach. He sat down by the sea and rested his head on the wall behind him. The sun was about to set. The sky was beautiful, even though he couldn't see the real colors of it. He just sat there and watched the sun go down whilst listening to music. He was completely alone. 

His body looked calm compared to how tangled his mind was. Thoughts about punishing himself for what he did started to appear in his head. "Should I do it?" "Is it worth it?" - He thought. 

He sighed.

He quickly scanned the area around him. It didn't take him much time to spot a piece of broken glass. It was right next to him. He picked it up and slowly rolled up his sleeve to reveal his pale skin. He held the piece of glass with his other hand. He was scared to do it. He knew it was going to hurt really bad. But he had to punish himself for what he did. 

"I deserve this..." - The brunet whispered.

He slowly moved the piece of glass closer to his pale skin. He felt his breath shaking. He closed his eyes. A tear slipped from his eye.

He hesitated for a moment.

"fuck it.."

He dragged the piece of glass across his arm a few times before he opened his eyes. He watched as the blood slowly seeped out. Tears stained his face.

He did another, and another, and another...

He dropped the piece of glass in fear looking at the fresh cuts. Blood was running down his arm. He quickly rolled his sleeve down and rested his palm on top of it curling his fingers around. He moved his knees closer to his chest and buried himself into them. He let out quiet sobs.

He felt hopeless.

His phone was exploding with text messages from Dream but he decided to ignore them and let it all out.

Time skip

It was dark now, the weather was cold and thick dark clouds were slowly spreading across the sky covering the moon which was Georges only source of light. His phone battery was dead. He hated being alone in the dark, so he decided it was time to go. He didn't want to go home but he had no other choice. He stood up. He decided he won't take the train to home. He started walking on the empty street.  He was alone. The cuts on his hand were burning. The weather got colder. The wind got stronger and stronger.

George was shivering. He hugged himself hoping that he'll warm himself up a bit. But it didn't work out.

Moments after it started to rain. The boy started to walk faster. He had nowhere to hide. The rain poured harder as each minute passed. The sound of landing was like the sickening sound of breaking bones. The wind had then picked up velocity. 

George tried to walk as fast as he could. He regretted his decision to go home by foot but there was no going back now.

When the boy thought that the storm would be over soon, nature added another element to the storm's rhapsody: lightning and thunder. The silver arthritic strings sliced through the clouds and almost touched the treetops with its misshapen fingers. Its trusty companion, thunder, grumbled and growled, probably angry that the lightning was moving quicker than the thunder could make a sound.

George hated thunderstorms. In fact, he was scared of them. He had to get home as soon as possible. He was soaking wet. His hair was constantly falling in front of his eyes and he had to move it aside every few seconds. He started running as fast as he could but, unfortunately, he had to stop because he got really cold. The boy let out quiet sobs whilst walking.

Time skip 15 minutes

Finally, the storm subsided and grey clouds parted. An eerie silence filled the air. George was still on his way to home. His breath was shaking from the cold.

"10 more minutes.." - He thought.



Omg, thank you guys for 18 reads <3

Soon there will be a part 3 of this fanfic!

Also, I'm not really happy with how this part turned out but it's okay I guess.. 

Let me know what you think, and feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments (if u have)

Remember that you are loved!

- Fallen Angel <3

(950 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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