All In A'days Work

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"Hey Jirou?" Momo asks. "Hmm?" The blue-haired girl hums. "How did you know- you were. Ya know." Momo asks flipping her wrist down. "Oh are you questioning?" She asks. "WELL- I mean I don't know. I was just asking." Momo says. "Well if i'm being honest I always just kinda had a thing for girls. Like when I was in primary school I used to kiss my friends in the big stall." Jirou says laughing. "YOU WHAT?" Momo asks. "Yea like- I used to go into the big stall in the bathroom and just make o- nevermind. I was a pretty bold kid. But anyways I just didn't know what 'gay' was back then. Now that I do I just have a label." Jirou says. "So you don't like boys at all?" Momo asks. "As of now no. I'm lesbian." Jirou says.

"I just. I don't think I'm lesbian. But I like think girls are- nice. But I don't think I'm bi either. Because when your Bi its supposed to be 50/50 right?" Momo says. "No, No. You can be Bi and prefer one gender over the other." Jirou says. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Kaminari shouts budding into the conversation. "DUNCE FACE FOCUS OR ILL BLOW YOU UP." Bakugo shouts. "WAIT BAKUGO THIS IS SERIOUS. CAN WE QUIT SPARRING FOR LIKE 1 MINUTE?" Denki asks. "Katuski, come over here I can take you and Tokoyami" Reira says. "Tch fine." Bakugo says.

The class had been sparring with one another to prepare for the upcoming sports festival. Denki walks over to where Momo and Jirou had been chatting. He overheard what Jirou had said. "What do you want?" Kyouka asks. "You said Momo could be Bi....with a preference?" He asks. "Uhh yea?" Jirou says. "So I could like a girl and a boy- but still like girls more than boys?" Kaminari asks. "Yep." Jirou says. Denki just stares at her dead in the eyes with his mouth slightly parted. "Mr. Aizawa can I be excused?" He asks. "What for now Kaminari?" Aizawa asks with a sigh. "I'm having a mid life crises." He says. "You're fifteen Kaminari. Do you plan on dying at 30?" Aizawa asks.

"Mr. Aizawa I think I'm bisexual." He says. "Congratulations Kaminari." Aizawa says with the most stoic expression ever, plastered to his face. "Welcome to the club!" Tsu shouts. "There's a club?" he asks. "No its- like. Nevermind." Tsu says. "Wait no I wanna be in the bi club." Kaminari says. "Its just a saying. Like 'welcome to the club.' As a sense of there is multiple of us." Tsuyu says. "OHH HOW MANY?" He asks. "Uh there's me, Izuku, I think Sero and Y/n." Tsu says. "Pan!" Sero shouts. "Same!" You yell. "What are yall screaming about?" Shinso asks. "Sexualities." Jirou says.

"Why?" He asks. "I dunno. One minute we were sparring, now its sexual orientation." Momo says. "I'm pan too!" Uraraka says. "Samezy." Mina says. "Damn half the fucking class pan." Tokoyami says. "What are you?" Izuku asks. "Aro." Fumikage says. "What about you Bakubro?" Kirishima asks. "I don't remember what its called." He says. "Reira?" Eijirou asks. "He's Demi." Reira says. "Oh forreal? Me too." Hitoshi says. "You're lesbian right?" Momo asks. "ME? Yea." Reira says. "TWINEM! Jirou says. "GOODMUTHAFUCKINVIBES ONLAY!" Reira shouts. "SUPAGOODVIBES ONLY!" They shout together.

"Alright enough. Move to the showers. Lunch is in 20 minutes. Remember we have an early dismissal" Aizawa shouts before the class all files out of the gym.

"Are you guys doing something afterschool?" Jirou asks. "I got work bruh." Mina says. "Who in they right fucking mind hired you?" Reira asks. "TUH! Rude. Me and Sero working at the mickeydeez up the road." She says. "I got work too." You say. "YOU WORK THERE TOO?" Mina ask. "Nah, I got a job at the mall." You say. "With Izuku?" Uraraka asks. "Hmm?" You ask. "I was talking him to him, he works at the mall too." She says. "FORREAL? Imma have to ask him where." You say. "Its the Foot Locker." Ochako says. "Oh that's across the hall from me!" You say. "Where you working." Reira asks. "Build-A-Bear." You say.

"NAUR NOT THE KIDS STORE." Momo shouts. "BE QUIET THEY PAY GOOD AND I GET TO PLAY WITH STUFFED ANIMALS ALL DAY." You shout back. "Not the girl with a gun quirk working at buildabearrrrrrr." Tsu says. "Well where are yall working?" You ask. "I babysit." Asui says. "Nail salon, Niaome's." Momo says. "Zumies" Jirou says. "WITH KAMINARI?" Mina asks. "I don't wanna talk about it." Jirou says. "Shit it could be worse, I work with Katsuki." Reira says. "NO HUH? WHERE?" Jirou asks. "Library." She says. "BAKUGO- AND REIRA....AT A LIBRARY?" You ask. "Its not ideal but the pay is sexy as fuck." She says. "Why are they even making us gets jobs in the first place?" Mina asks. "Its supposed to help us learn how to plan things strategically. My plate is so fucking full. I had to buy a planner just to keep all my shit together." Uraraka says.

𝐃𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦  ✶ 𝙄. 𝙈𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙮𝙖 ✶Where stories live. Discover now