CGs: Mina & Kirishima LITTLE: Bakugou

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TW/CW: diapers, diaper use, accidents, impure regression, mentions of trauma, pretty angsty in general

CGs: Mina (Mima, Mama), Kirishima (Kiri, Kiwi, Baba)

LITTLE: Bakugou (0-6)

NOTES: Everyone in this oneshot is in their mid 20's. Everyone is pro hero's. Bakugou is nearly deaf and uses hearing aids. Also Bakugou and Kirishima are flips. (both a little and a CG)

Bakugou composed himself, calming down after he got done fighting a villain much too large for him. How'd he beat the villain? Pure luck. He knew that. That scared him. Kirishima and Mina walked over to him, singing his praises.
"Way to go, Bakubro!"
"That was amazing! One of the coolest things I've seen!"
That's when Bakugou realized it. Where was his hearing aids? He couldn't understand either of them. Kirishima's face dropped when he started to realize Bakugou looked panicked and like he didn't understand what he or Mina was saying. "Bakubro?" He asked, reaching a arm out to put on Bakugou's shoulder. Once he placed it there, Bakugou froze. Bakugou looked at Kirishima with large puppy eyes, then a strained scream came from his busted lips. He pushed Kirishima away, running away as fast he could. "KATSUKI!!" Kirishima didn't understand what happened. Had he done something wrong? Mina pipped up when she saw two small white things on the ground. She ran over to them and picked them up. Sure enough, they were Katsuki's hearing aids. "They must have fell off when Katsuki was fighting that villain." Mina said, her tone deeply worried. "He probably regressed and then lost his hearing aids. He's probably terrified." Kirishima continued, "We gotta find him. Fast. Katsuki doesn't do well on his own when he's regressed." Mina nodded in agreement and so began their search. It didn't take them long to find Bakugou. He was in a children's park that had closed. It was night so you wouldn't be able to see exactly who was out there, but Kirishima and Mina knew. They ran over to the regressed man, simply relieved they found him. Bakugou was on a slide. When he saw Kirishima and Mina he backed up, heading back into the tube leading up to the slide. Kirishima looked puzzled as he walked closer, "Hey, Bub. Having fun?" He smiled to try and show Bakugou that he meant no harm. He understood sometimes Bakugou would loose his hearing aids and everything would become different. He couldn't hear Kirishima, he didn't really recognize Kirishima. As far as Bakugou was concerned, two grown-ups were after him. Kirishima and Mina frowned when they saw Bakugou's  eyes peer through holes of the tube he was hiding in. His eyes looked worried, scared. "Let's ease in, he's obviously not coming out." Kirishima nodded, starting his way up a set of metal stairs, trying to figure out the fastest way to the tube Bakugou was in. Mina went on the other side, crawling through the many tubes. Bakugou started to realize the situation he was in. He was hiding in a play tube, he couldn't hear, and it wasn't getting darker. His eyes welled up with buckets of tears. He sniffled once, then started bawling. He wanted to go home. He wanted his baba, and his paci, and his All Might action figure. He felt so disoriented. The ringing in his ears tended to do that after a while. Kirishima started closing in on Bakugou's location, going by the sounds of Bakugou's cries. Mina did the same. Kirishima was the first to find him, yelling out to his partner, "I FOUND HIM!" He frowned when he got a really good look at Bakugou, "Poor guy.." Bakugou's eyes were red and puffy, his nose running. He was shaking. Kirishima wasn't sure if it was because he was cold, scared, or both. Finally Kirishima realized Bakugou was sitting in a puddle. Mina finally arrived, looking at the two males. She signed to Bakugou, hopeful he'd understand. "Mama, Baba, Come Home." That's when the fog in Bakugou's mind lifted. He whimpered a choked, "Baba." As he grabbed onto Kirishima's arm. Kirishima smiled weakly, nodding.
~Time Skip~
When they got out of the play area Kirishima sighed in relief, "Feels good to be outta there. It was so crammed. Made me anxious." He was half joking. He wasn't scared of small spaces, but he barely fit in there, it was intimidating. Mina nodded in agreement, hoisting the regressed man onto her hip. He was starting to stumble around, tired. They both knew Bakugou always went above and beyond with his work. He loved what he did but it always felt him so tired. Kirishima yawned himself, stretching his large arms as he walked. Mina smiled, "Is my other boy tired too?" Kirishima blushed, trying to not feel little. "Nah, I'm just a little stiff from that playground thing." Mina knew he was lying. She saw the jealously in Kirishima's eyes as he watched her hold a half-asleep Bakugou. But she also knew they were in public. Unlike Bakugou, Kirishima was incredibly embarrassed by his little space. He thought it made him unmanly. Mina tried to convince Kirishima otherwise, but it fell of deaf ears. Mina chose to wait it out. She knew if Kirishima really needed to regress he would.
  Once they got home Bakugou had woken from his nap, still very little. The day had just been a bit much for him. Mina sat him down in his playpin that was in the living room. He instantly found a pacifer, then started playing with a puzzle of All Might. Mina saw the jealously in Kirishima's eyes. She knew he wouldn't be fighting his headspace for long, he wouldn't be able to hold back up longer. "Hey, you watch Bakugou while I make dinner. 'Kay?" Mina finally broke that awkward silence. Kirishima jumped a bit, nodding, "Yeah. Okay! Take your time." He sat down on the sofa next to Bakugou's playpin. His personal playpin was right next to it. He shook off the feeling of going into it and playing. He couldn't do that right now. He had to be a big boy for Katsuki and Mina.
Mina watched from the kitchen as she cooked, seeing the strained look on Kirishima's face. It had been a good 15 minutes before Mina finally spoke, "You know it's okay, right? Katsuki's in his playpin, he's safe. You can let your guard down, relax, regress." Kirishima's head shot up, his face covered in blush. "I just don't wanna leave this all to you. Me and Katsuki? It'd be too much after a day like this." He admitted. Mina frowned, "Who says I mind? I love my baby boys. I can handle it." Kirishima furrowed his brows, "Are you sure?" Mina nodded as she lifted up two bottles. One with orange juice and one with chocolate milk. "These are for you, make sure you give Kat the milk, I don't want your tummy upset." Kirishima nodded shyly and he stood up, coming to collect the bottles. He took them over to the two platoons. Bakugou looked up from his puzzle to take his milk. It was in his favorite bottle, too. It was his All Might bottle. Kirishima sat down in his playpin, starting to drinking from his bottle. He laid down on his back on a comfortable blanket. It was red and had Crimson Riot on it. It was his favorite. As he finished the bottle he finally started feeling small. He then sat up, slipping a pacifer in his mouth. It was red and had a shark on it. It was his second favorite. His favorite has a Crimson Riot on it.
  Mina finished the meal, smiling at the sight of her two boys playing. Bakugou had two Action figures. A All Might one and a 'villian'. He was making them 'fight.' Kirishima was playing with a rattle, obviously very little. Smaller than Katsuki. Mina smiled, "Okay boys," that grabbed boths attention, "Who's ready for dinner?" Bakugou's hand shot up, "Me!" He declared happily. Kirishima stayed silent, simply using the rattle in his hand to soothe himself. Mina looked at regressed male, then remembered. She tapped the males shoulder. He faced her, tears rolling down his eyes. That and the scent Mina caught wind of confirmed what she's figured. She picked Kirishima up, hoisting him on her hip. "I'll be right back. You stay here. I'll come back after Kiri's clean and then we'll have dinner." Bakugou nodded, going back to his playtime. Meanwhile Kiri was a mess. Soft sobs escaped his lips, "I Sowwy. I a big boy. I a man. I Sowwy." Mina knew where this was coming from. The same pressure he always felt to be a 'man.' "It's okay sweetheart. You're a big boy. Mama knows that. Mama loves her good boy." She laid him on a changing mat, getting out a diaper, some wipes, and some powder. She just hoped she just hopes she could get in touch with the costume makers soon about getting Kirishima a new pair of pants. She stripped him, changed him into a diaper and a onesie. It had Sharks on it and it had blue frills at the bottom. It was Kirishima's favorite. Kirishima's cries had stopped, now condensed to sniffles and whimpers.
Once the three had ate Mina sat the two regressed males in their large shared bed. She got in between them and gave them their nightly bottles. Bakugou sucked on it greedily, though tiredly. Kirishima was gentle, shy. His face a deep red as he cuddled himself close to his mommy. He felt so grateful. Someone wanted him. They liked his regression, they liked him. He fell asleep in those thoughts, Bakugou soon after, then their Mommy.

Sorry it's been so long. Things have been rough.

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