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Next day,

Office hours were over and Nandini was ready to leave but her phone started ringing it was Siddharth call

Nandini : hello

Siddharth : Nandini! Nandini! Came out I'm waiting for you I need to talk something important to you it's urgent Nandini come fast

Nandini : YEAH! I'm coming

Nandini run from there in hurry

Nandini came and saw Siddharth there she run to him asked what happened

Siddharth : Nandini I want to tell you something important will you come with me

Nandini : where to come

Siddharth : just come with me Nandini

He held her hand and made her sit inside his car and drove


Siddharth stop his infront of a big mansion Nandini got out of the car and gave Siddharth a confused look

Nandini : where I'm I?

Siddharth : it's my house I want to tell you something important

Nandini : but you would have told me there too why you take me here?

Siddharth : Nandini trust me and come with me

Siddharth and Nandini moved inside the mansion he took her in his room told her to have a sit

Siddharth : Nandini wait for me I'm coming in a while

Saying this leaves from there

Nandini : where are you going...

After a while Siddharth came there holding a album in his hand

Siddharth : Nandini do you know who am I?

Nandini : yes you are Siddharth na

Siddharth : don't you remember anything from your childhood?

Nandini : say it clear

Siddharth : Nandini I'm your childhood bestie don't you remember me?

Nandini : what no way I didn't had much friends in Mumbai so how can you be my bestie?

Siddharth : not in Mumbai I'm talking about manguluru we were besties but then you shifted to Mumbai and my dad send me abroad for study

Nandini tried to remember

Siddharth : wait let me show you some pictures of us

He showed her some childhood pictures of them Nandini was having tears in her eyes she hugged Siddharth tightly and cried Siddharth put his hand on her back, he made her look at him and wiped her tears

Nandini : sid I'm sorry I didn't realize that it was you I was missing you so much

Siddharth : aww nandu I too was missing you and I tired to search you but couldn't find you I'm sorry too

Nandini : oh god I found my long lost bestie I'm so happy

Siddharth : me too, and now we will start our masti again like we used to do

Nandini : idiot why didn't you told me yesterday this?

She said while hitting on his head

Siddharth : ouchhh *he rubbed his head* cause I want to show you this album

Nandini : by the way how are you

Siddharth : I'm all fine, hey nandu let's hang out tomorrow what's say

Nandini : yeah cool I'm ready but...

Siddhartha : but what?

Nandini : but tomorrow is my office so how can I come

Siddharth : ask your boss for leave na

Nandini : Ohk I try to

Siddharth : hmm

The two long lost bestie enjoyed the evening and at night Siddharth drop Nandini at her house, today Nandini was so happy to find her bestie


Next day Nandini came office to take leave she moved toward Manik's cabin, Nandini knocked on the door and heard a "come in" she got in

Manik : Nandini you want something?

Nandini : Manik can I take leave today please
Manik : why you want leave?

Nandini : because I'm out with my best friend
Manik : best friend who?

Nandini : what do you mean by "who" my best friend

Manik : Ohk so where is she

Nandini : haha my bestie is not she but it's he my best friend is a boy aree we are like chuddy-buddy & childhood besties ❤

Manik Pov.

Wait her best friend is a boy and she is going out with him noo like whattttt!

Heart : why do you care

Manik : who are you

Heart : I'm your heart

Manik : what do you mean by why do I care

Heart : I mean ki why do you care she gose with a girl or boy she is just your employe right?

Manik : I don't know

Heart : accept it Mr molhotra that you are in loveeeeee

Mind : no he is not

Manik : now who are you?

Mind : I'm your mind

Heart : Manik just tell this mind that you are in love

Mind : no Manik don't listen to this idiot

Heart : Manik I'm telling you just listen you are in love

Mind : No Manik don't listen this bullshit

Heart : Manik yes

Mind : Manik no


Pov. End

Nandini : Manik! Manik!

Manik : haa toh who is your best friend?

Nandini : it's Siddharth your client son

Manik : how can he be your best friend you just met a day before yesterday right?

Nandini : yeah but we we're besties from childhood and yesterday he made me realize that he is my sid

Manik : your sid

Nandini : I mean ki my best friend sid

Manik : hmm by the way how did you came from Siddharth to sid?

Nandini : in childhood I use to call him sid only so.......

Manik : ohhh good good so now go your "bestfriend" is waiting for you

Nandini : are you sure?

Manik : ya ya ya I'm sure just go or else your "bestfriend" might be waiting for you from sooooooo longgggggg gooo

Nandini : pakka?

Manik : haa haa pakka now gooo too "your sid"

Nandini didn't said anything and left from there giving a soft smile to him

Okay that it for today by the way sorry for giving update veryyy late...hope I will give the next update soon

Lots of love,
Do miss me 😉

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