Chapter 1

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As the moon rose high in the night sky Overhaul sat in the black car that were heading towards the club were he would meet with another Yakuza leader.

The thought of walking into a dirty club disgusted him, but the one thing he was heading there for were far too precious to just ignore. When he herd about it he made up his mind to head over to the center of Tokyo to meet up with this sorry excuse of a Yakuza head.

"Everything seems to be in place boss, we shouldn't have to stay in there for longer than 30min" Overhauls most trusted man said next to him as he wrote something down on his phone. 

"Good. We're going to make this convention as short-lived as possible."

"Sure thing boss."

'If she doesn't oblige with my proposition I'll simply have to force her. I don't have time for arguments and stupid behaviors.'


Heading over to the place your shitty costumer were at you let out a heavy sight. You were bloody and tired, the only thing on your mind right now was the itchy feeling of wanting to scrub yourself raw to get away the filth lingering on your skin.

"If he won't pay me enough this time he's gonna end up like you dude." You said to the decapitated head in your right hand.

"Oh yeah right forgot I took away your ability to talk, sorry about that" You chuckled before jumping off the roof you were sitting at.

'Time to get this shit over with'


The club in it self where your everyday strip club, velvet walls framing stages with half naked girls dancing on them. The men sitting in the seats were drinking their braincells away while enjoying lap dances from the girls that was not currently performing.

'Disgusting' Was the only thought forming in Overhauls head as he snaked his way through the crowd, careful to keep everyone an arms length away.

"Hey Overhoe, can we like stay for a while? These chicks are hot as fuck!" Came a booming voice from one of his more annoying henchmen.

"No. Don't get anywhere close to these whores, they're full of germs and diseases that can follow us back to the base. Now keep your mouth shut Rappa."

The man behind him mumbled something under his breath before he kept following Overhaul towards one of the VIP rooms in the back of the club.

"Rappa keep guard at the door, Nemoto and Chrono come with me. Follow as planned if anything suspicious happens."

After heading in to the room he was met by a rather filthy scene. Naked girls were circling around empty bottles and used cigarettes as half naked men sat in a cough in front of him. There was even a guy getting a blowjob in the corner of the room. Overhaul immediately wrinkled his nose at the scene as an irk mark formed on his forehead. He just wanted to be done and out of this revolting place as fast as possible.

As he met eyes with the head of the group, Tashimaki, he let out a deep sigh. The man had two girls in his lap and was profusely drunk, making Overhaul regret even coming here.

"Chisaki! Long time no see, how have you been?"

"First of all, it's Overhaul for you. Secondly, my whereabouts is none of your concern. Im solely here to discuss business." 

At this Tashimaki just waved his hand dismissively before grabbing a girl by the ass.

"Why so stressed, I bet I can help you with that. Sit back and relax as one of these lovely ladies tend to you. Se it as a gift from me to the great young head of the Shie Hassaikai." He then proceeded to push the woman he held by the ass towards Overhaul.

Before the girl could even take a step closer a gun was pointing at her.

"Im not here to meddle around with filthy whores, Tashimaki. My time is precious and I don't appreciate you waisting it." 

Before the other man could answer a loud slam was heard in the back of the space making everyones head turn towards the person entering.

There stood a slender girl covered head to toe in a black bodysuit accompanied with a motorcycle helmet. Splutters of blood were aligning her body and in her right hand were the severed head of a man.

Everyone stared at her as she nonchalantly made her way over to the cough in the middle of the room, throwing the bloody head on the table in front of it.

"This is your last chance to pay me back Tashimaki, or you'll end up like my buddy here."

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