Chapter 5: Trinity's POV

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52 Linwood Avenue, that's where Drake lived. His house was amazing! He had a HUGE ass mansion which was almost like a beach house! In fact the view was out to a private beach! The outside was beautiful and so was the inside! I gasped when I walked in and Drake smiled.

"You like it don't you!?"

"Hell yeah! It's gorgeous!"

"Thanks, but unlike you I did not design this it was ALL my mom!"

"Well tell your mom she has amazing taste!"

Drake smiled and I melted inside, uh, he is so HOT! I will admit I couldn't believe I was actually falling in love with Drake! To be brutally honest all I wanted to do was make out with Drake! I know it sounds fucked up I started dating him and I already wanted to fuck him but it wasn't like that I really did love Drake! It may not seem like it now, like girl what are you doing you're moving too fast, but for me it wasn't moving fast it was LOVE!

Drake and I were in his room laying down on his king sized bed. It was so quiet I could hear our breathing which was going at the same rhythm. We held each others hands which were intertwined together! I turned my head to the right and Drake turned his head to the left. We looked at each other straight in the eyes and we did this for like five minutes, at least that's what it felt like! I could hear our swallows and I could definitely hear our heart beats thumping loudly in our chest, 1...2...3... Then something strange happened I could feel my body temperature rising and I felt that something in me exploded. I immediately let go of Drake's hand and his eyes looked curious and I could tell that he saw my eyes. This time there was no second guessing.

"Your eyes are red! Trinity, what's happening? Your hand, it's on fire!"

I looked down at my hand and it was indeed on fire! I started to panic! No not here, not now! Everything was going great we were trusting each other I was falling in love! My stupid body it's all going to be my fault!

"Drake, I'm SO sorry! I was going to tell you but it's never been this bad! My parents, they were right!"

"Wait, what are you talking about! Trinity look at me and calm down!" He started walking towards me.

"Stop Drake, please, I don't want to hurt you!" He didn't obey and he came closer! I backed up until I was against the wall. Drake was so close to me that I panicked. I was going to hurt him. The fire in my hands got bigger but Drake didn't back away! He grabbed my face with both of his hands and looked me in the eyes. I looked away.

"Trinity look at me! I'm not scared! I love you! I LOVE YOU!"

My heart was pounding against my chest! "I'm dangerous I can hurt you! I can't love you, I'm not suppose to fall in love but I did! My parents were right! I can hurt you! You don't understand! Drake I could kill you!"

"I don't care! I love you and I want you to tell me exactly what's wrong with you!"

"I come from a family of witches! Each witch in my family controls an element! My mom has water and my dad has fire! When I was born I would have my own but things turned differently! I can control ALL the elements! My parents tried to ask every witch if this was curable! Every witch was scared of me I was too powerful and as I got older I got stronger and my parents got scared of me. When I was thirteen we met a witch that was capable of predicting things and she said when I reach the age now, seventeen, I would fall in love. But the problem of falling in love is that my emotions affect my abilities!" After I was done talking I found that my hands were back to normal and I was sitting on the ground with Drake in front of me.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't ready!"

"This doesn't change anything! I still love you!"

I looked at Drake and said, "Even if it means you could get hurt?"

"You said could, I'll take that risk!"

I smiled and so did Drake then he leaned in and we kissed. We kissed for a long time and then I realized that we were on Drake's bed. He was on top of me and he was holding my hands above my head. I freed my hands and took off his shirt and then he took off mine. Our shoes were off and then I unbuttoned his pants and slid them off and now he was in only his black boxers. He took off the rest of my clothes leaving me in my black Victoria Secret's bra and underwear. We wiggled to get underneath the covers. 

Then we flipped so that I was now on top of Drake and Drake was on the bottom. He took off my bra and my bare chest touched his bare toned chest. We kept kissing and then Drake reached to his nightstand and grabbed a condom from the top drawer. He gave it to me and I went under the cover and ripped it open and put it on him. 

Then the rest happened naturally. For my first time it wasn't that bad! I sighed and moaned and at first it hurt! When we were done we layed next to each other. One naked body next to another naked body. We talked for a while and we were like any couple. I was happy and I was glad that Drake wasn't scared of me and he excepted me and I loved him for that!

The SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora