Chapter 10

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Once all of the cries were torn out of me, I looked up and noticed Avery was gone. I got up, dusted off my jeans and decided to head into the forest. I was done with all this drama and "Nephilim" talk. Once I had my phone and wasn't being followed, I stepped into the forest. Yes, I know it was probably a really bad idea, but honestly, who cares? My mother didn't care enough to tell me she isn't dead, the guy I fell in love with doesn't love me, and my father wants to kill me. Welcome to my messed up world.

Phone Conversation:

"Rose?" he asked.

"Obviously, what do you want?" I asked coldly.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh I don't know. What isn't wrong?" I yelled into the phone, seething with anger.

"Calm down." he tried soothing.

"Maybe I don't wanna calm down. Maybe I wanna throw someone across the universe and see if they splat like a fly." I yelled into the phone.

"Rose, what is up? You're acting strangely. "

I just ended the call and didn't answer. I put my hands against my face and just left them there as I sank down into the moist forest floor. My phone vibrated again and I didn't answer, figuring it was Avery again. After I layed there for what felt like forever, but could've easily been minutes, seconds, or hours. I sat up and a million questions came to mind. What was going to happen? Is my mother alive? Am I even human? Was I a little afraid to ask myself that question? Does Avery love me?

Suddenly a branch cracked, just like before when I was with Avery. Only this time I was alone and completely vulnerable. I stood up quickly and nearly toppled over as all the blood rushed back to my limbs and head. Another branch snapped. They just kept coming in rapid secession. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. I just kept looking around and found nothing. How could a creature move that fast? I though. Something brushed against my shoulder and I almost screamed, but I quickly slapped my hands against my mouth.

I slowly turned around and found nothing there. I began to get really freaked out and started running. I got hit my thorns and the forest seemed to come to life, attacking me. The vines seemed to wrap around my ankles and trip me, but I still continued to sprint through the forest. The thing that seemed to be chasing me just kept coming and coming. Finally I tripped and didn't get back up because I was all out of strength. Something brushed against my leg and I immediately jumped back against a tree. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, atleast not yet." a dark, chilling voice said to me as it appeared ten feet in front of me. It was Avery. Except he was very, drastically different.

This Avery had black wings.

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