Drunk (☁️)

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(B/N) = Boyfriend Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour
(H/C) = Hair Colour
☁️ = Fluff
(There will be a bit of 🌿 in there but not a lot).————————————————————————
(Y/N) POV...

I had gone out for the night with a couple of friends. They had all begged me to take a couple of shots, so of course I decided to drink at least a little. Well... it didn't end up being a little. I had managed to drink 3 whole bottles and 15 (or more) shots.

Since I was drunk, I had to call (B/N) to come pick me up and oh boy he was pissed...

"What is wrong with you?! What made you think it was okay to drink that much?!" he yelled.

"Babyy~ I missed yOOuuu~"

"S-Stop it (Y/N)! Now is not the time!!" He squirmed around on the sofa, trying to move my hand from his crotch.

"Why are you not letting me touch you babbyyyy? You alwaaayyys let me touch you when you're hornnyyy!~"


(B/N) POV...

"Oh my days (Y/N)! Come on just let's go to bed!!"


"... W-We can make out in bed if you just listen to me..."

She perked up and quickly ran into the bedroom, jumping on the bed and staring at me with hunger in her eyes.

This little shi—

Narrator POV...

(B/N) slowly walked towards his girlfriend and carefully got on her lap. (Y/N) began to rub circles on his waist. She looked into his beautiful orbs. (B/N) knew that she was drunk, so he didn't want to do anything she might have not wanted to do if she was sober, so he had an idea. He began to gently press against her and moved their faces closer.

(Y/N) then started to kiss (B/N). He chose not to do anything back, such as fight for dominance like usual (although he always loses). And instead just let her kiss him. (Y/N) plunged her tongue deep into his mouth and grabbed his crotch.

"Mmfph~" he moaned into the kiss and then pulled away.

Quickly, he pushed her down onto the bed and slipped his hand under her shirt. He stroked her stomach and kissed her cheek.

"No more kisses now..." he whispered in her ear.

(Y/N) flipped her body around to face him on her side and pecked his neck.

"Last kiss..." she smiled. "I wanna be big spoon..."

"Fine... we can cuddle for a bit, but you better either fall asleep like that or go onto your side of the bed. No touching if you don't fall asleep.


(Y/N) wrapped her arms around (B/N)'s waist and put her hand down his trousers.


"It's just to keep my hand warm..."

"Tch... okay, but if I catch you doing something your new bed will be on the sofa."


The two of them fell asleep together, and in the morning (Y/N) was still in bed.

"Morning, baby," smiled (B/N).

"Heyy hottie~" cooed (Y/N).

"You're still drunk?!"


I think am kinda high rn so like don't mind me if nothing makes sense 🤪

Alsooo, sorry this one is so short, I mainly wrote it so that people knew that I wouldn't abandon this book since I'm writing another one.

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