"Watch it. He isn't yours to play around with." Sukuna snaps, walking over as sakura grumbles in disgust, and rolls her eyes.

"And he ain't yours either. If he falls for it not my issue." She repiles, "most do because their fucking stupid." She adds, taking out a knife and cutting the palm of her hand open, squeezing it before forcing Daniel to open his mouth, letting her blood go down his throat making him choke at the mere taste of it. "I don't even know if he'll survive it." She whispers making alpha chuckle in the back while Delta paces back and forth, not liking what's happening.

"Sakura don't underestimate what I know about him. He's capable, unlike the others." Alpha points out, smirking as Daniel remains unable to even move. Sakura sighs, bored, and stands up walking away. Sukuna stays by Daniel as he doesn't feel anything different, so just sits there and remains confused.

"What is that meant to do exactly?" He asks, as sukuna shrugs, not even sure himself, as alpha pushes his chair back, standing up and walking over. Damn he's so small compared to the rest. But his scars, there's no way he's a scientist. Daniel says, as he spots the large array of scars all seemingly coming from his eyepatch, unlike a small scar across his lip. Alpha watches Daniels confusion, before gesturing his hand out, getting given a knife from Delta.

"Well, test one." He starts, ramming the knife into Daniels chest, who jolts in shock and pain. "To see if the regeneration ability past on." Alpha adds, twisting the knife before yanking it out. Daniel coughs, grabbing the stab wound as his blood soaks his clothes. "If he doesn't live just give him to sakura and Ryu." Alpha adds, wiping the knife clean before handing it back to Delta. Sukuna stands there, wanting to help, but can feel everyone watching him because of it.

You couldn't do it some other way!? Like a small paper cut not a full on fucking stab wound next time!? Daniel yells, as he leans over in pain, struggling to breathe as his lungs fill with his blood.

"Even if he does survive, who's to say he didn't get anything else. After all my ablities are blood based, all transfers are by blood." Sakura points out, gesturing at her hand. "And I haven't got the best selection of ablities do I now?" She adds, whilst alpha shakes his head, standing just by Delta.

"He'll need a larger quantity of blood for that. And additional tests to trigger his body to use them. The regeneration speed is something easily accessible." Alpha repiles, whilst sukuna watches as Daniels body starts to repair itself, although Daniel remains in extreme pain, grabbing his lab coat and trying to break from a mixture of a panic attack and his lungs getting drowned in blood.

"What about the kill lines?" Delta asks, pointing to his neck, where a perfect line goes around it, covered by staples. Daniel looks over at him, spotting it alongside a heavy third degree burn scar going down his neck.

"No, their not transferred, their manufactured in." Alpha repiles, gesturing to his own, which remains a line going down the front of his neck, straight down his windpipe. "Their all too vastly different to be genetic or whatever." Alpha adds, watching his words knowing Daniel either already knows or isn't allowed to know.

"His wound is healed." Sukuna says, looking at Daniel who looks at his own chest, finding the wound almost non existent, only the blood stains remain. "So he isn't a high risk, and can't take lethal wounds." Sukuna adds, before looking at his wrist, where he taps his watch and sighs. "Perfect timing, we need to collect his stuff." Sukuna adds, lifting a semi dazed Daniel up, who staggers on his feet for a moment, having lost a lot of blood. "I'll take him, we won't be long." Sukuna adds, this time opening the door using a pad on the wall, pushing Daniel out as the rest remain standing there.

"So, how long will he last?" Delta asks, looking at the others as sakura and Ryu shrug, meanwhile alpha walks back over to his desk, pushing files around as Delta remains waiting for a answer.

"Doubt it'll be long, even with the faster regen, toss him into a game and he's fresh bait." Sakura snickers, leaning backwards as she remains sitting on her bed. "Just like last time, he always picks the new ones." Sakura sighs, laying sideways on the bed as alpha goes back into his zone of writing. Delta shrugs and takes his hoodie off, making Ryu laugh slightly.

"Ok dandruff, we get it you don't like pets. But they are useful, at least sukuna knows this." Ryu points out as Delta rolls his eyes, and looks away, still disgusted. "Even if their just live bait in games, might be a way we can actually get out. When we find the others of course." She trails off at the end as sakura and Delta both pause.

"Remember their in sector 10. We're in sector 5. Even if there's a slim chance to spot the others, how the hell are we going to get out." Sakura asks, punching the wall out of boredom. "We need to face survivors in a game not killers, all we keep getting is literally killers." Sakura adds, making Ryu push her glasses up and smirk.

"That's why my little buddy came into use." She repiles, snapping her fingers as alpha tosses over a file, not even looking away from the desk. "It was so obvious sukuna would breach and find the pills for sakura so I took two steps ahead, your not the only one with contacts saiko." She smiles, as sakura leans up, confused but curious. Delta remains quiet, choosing to not get involved in anyway shape or form, so sits down, wishing he had his actual pet back.

"What did your sly ass do this time?" Sakura asks, sighing at the end. "Last time this ended up with us losing deltas pet snake." She adds, as Ryu just opens the file and shows her a photo, making sakura stop mid sentence, looking at the photo with shock. "Oh you fucking sly bitch. Of course you have them." She mocks as Ryu shakes her head.

"Not at all. We've known eachother since birth, both got taken in, me for my amazing bloodline; full sarcasm involved, and her intelligence." Ryu adds, closing the file as Delta and alpha both stay away. Sakura on the other hand shakes her head and stands up, grabbing Ryu by her jacket.

"And why didn't you use this earlier? We've lost a lot and you only just know use this?" She spits as Ryu wipes her face and flicks her hand in disgust.

"One, breath mint, two, I can't just use this whenever I want, if I did she would get terminated due to unusual behaviour. Now sukuna had done the breach and got that Daniel, her work will be focused on our group more and our connections. Perfect timing for her to help us." Ryu explains, as sakura just tenses up, and pushes Ryu away, walking back to her bed.

"Yeah sure whatever, better act out this amazing plan before the next games. We need survivors so your little pal better give us them." Sakura warns, as Ryu nods and remaining smirking.

"Of course, I already have the survivors in line." She repiles.

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