Withered Freddy x reader

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you get no say.

Y/N - Your name
Y/HC - Your hair color
Y/EC - Your eye color
Y/H - Your height

Today was a fairly chilly evening as you had arrived to the establishment you somewhat decided to work at for a night time job. You could've worked as a doctor, or a lawyer, or a banker.. but nooooo, you just wanted to work at some children's entertainment restaurant that is known for its bad reputation. AND it's only job application is on craigslist! CRAIGSLIST! Sheesh.. as you berate yourself in your head, you continue travelling your way to your office until suddenly stopping to the end of the hallway, right by the parts and service door. It was cracked open, was it supposed to be? Surely all the other doors inside the eatery should've been locked up.. letting curiosity eat away at you, you decide move towards the eerie room to peek your/EC visuals into it like so. It was entirely pitch black, but it smelt like over saturated bleach mingled with wet dog. It caused you to retaliate back a little to cough and let loose of the other horrid smell. "Ugh-.. dear Lord... " You mumble to yourself, and, upon realizing you couldn't even see a damn thing for the life of you in that room, you decided to leave it be and sigh. "Eh.. I'm sure it's not that important anyway .." you conclude to make your way to your office. Oh, poor little you.

Now, situated comfortably in your own office, you flip through cameras and make sure to check the vents and hallway occasionally after listening to that odd phone guy.. he seemed awfully jittery in the voice mail, but you brushed it off. The time was passing fairly quick and nothing out of the particular was occuring. You lean back in your office chair and put your hands behind your back; this is a piece of cake.
Suddenly, mechanical and heavy footsteps begin to clank and THUD! against the ground down the hallway, nearing closer. You flinch upward and quickly slam your fist to the light button upon the table, revealing a... Good mother of God, 9-.. 10 foot animatronic bear heading down towards you!? You start to panic and look around frantically, he was getting closer and closer with aqua eyes, well maybe just eye considering one was lopsided and faint, dead set on you. Thinking fast, you throw the Freddy mask to your left onto your head and lean back in your chair in hopes he didn't do anything now. Because now, he was walking into the office, much MUCH more larger than you. You were only Y/H while he was... What? 10 feet tall?
"...." He stood there for a few moments, just hovering over you before suddenly speaking. "D-Dear, I-I'm nnnn-not stupid, and i-iiiiit's quite ru-rude to assume tttt-that I am." Deep and rough yet oddly calm guttural vocals sounded out, with that pleasant sprinkle of damaged voice box in it. This freaked you out, causing you to let out a squeak and cover your face out of instinct. However, he did nothing. "... I'm no-noooot going to h-hu-hurt you." He soothed, mechanical parts clinking and whirring as you slowly lower your arms to discover he has backed off, hands to his sides.. he looked.. sad, almost. "I a-aaapologize for mmmm-my beha-behavior... It's not often-oft-often we g-get newcomers ar-aroun-nd here." He explained, not seeming agitated by the frequent stutters the voice box of his gave out to ruin his speech. "Yooo-you can t-taa-take off the mmm-mask." He assured.  Which, you somehow found.. comforting, how he spoke. Reassured, you took off the mask slowly and set it aside, then eyeing over to the large.. large hunk of a metal bear. "..You-" "Yyyy-yes, I ca-can talk." He answered off the bat. "...Why are... - I'm..." You were so dumb founded, why was he being so nice? Was this usual? Surely not... "Ii-it gets lo-lonely, si-sitttting t-to rot in th-thhhat b-baaack room..." He murmured in saddened tones, even his ears and eyes hooding sadly, and you couldn't help but feel sympathetic. "You were the one in that back room...?" You asked, your eyes still glued onto his features. "N-nnot ju-just me... I have a f-fffew other fr-friendss back th-there.. and y-yes, y-you woke me u-uuuuup." He stated, and you winced. "I'm sorry-" "i-its okay." He soothed quickly, gesturing a hand. "Y-you se-seeeem nice to t-taaalk to.. I'm glad y-you wwww-woke me up." He let out a light hearted chuckle that was coated with rusty, robotic age. It was charming but also awkward at the same time. "Your voice box sounds bad... How come they don't fix you guys up? It seems dumb to just leave you all there to... Wither away." You gesture with a hand, to which the bear eyed down to himself then back up. "T-thhhey call me wi-withered fr-freddy, actually." He hummed. "A-aaaand because we a-are if no uuuu-use when we have r-replace-acements." He eyed the camera system situated Infront of you. You were confused for a moment before perking and quickly checking the main stage camera, then rising your chin with a look of realization. "Oooh.... Wow. Honestly, you look better than the toy bear." You let out a snicker, so does Freddy. "Yyyy-you think so?" "I know so." You wink playfully to him, which caused the bear to pause momentarily and form his robotic muzzle counterparts to a warm smile. "We, thhh-thank you f-for the ccccom-compliment..." He huffs, he looked as if that really flustered him. Wait, did robots really have feelings? You start to wonder until turning your gaze to the clock, which stated 5:56 AM. "OH! ITS 4 MINUTES UNTIL MY SHIFT ENDS!" Yelping, you look to Freddy who nodded. "Well, it wwwww-was n-nice taa-alking with you tooo-tonight, ... Er..." He squinted his eyes over to the nametag displayed on your shirt. "...Y/N, I ho-hope we c-caaaan chat like t-thhis tomorrow.. it w-wwwas fun." He formed a gentle grin before quickly turning his hefty weight to retreat back to his ... Home? Hell? Whatever it was..
You look onward as the giant robot bear went back to the parts and service room, mulling thoughts over in your head momentarily before finally whispering to yourself, a question, a big one at that.

Am I crushing on an animatronic bear..??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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