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Sometimes in life, lovers do have their goals for Y/N, his goal is simple and that is to be acknowledged. To be seen as a person who can do everything not just by being overhyped, though during this time he is knoen because of his superior machine and all. But of course he wanted everything to be peaceful and also that he can help his family at all costs.


So the story continues Y/N & Charlotte are dating for the past few months by this point, Ichika grew himself a pair, to say that well he liked Laura and they are also dating with the other girls trying to object and at the same time broken hearted.

-Story by Mikeratto-

The girls tried everything to make the new couple seperated but alas it didnt work during those times as Cecilia and Rin are slowly but surely accepting Ichika & Laura but for Houki's case despite of the time that they spent on breaking the couple up she is more determined than ever.

Y/N during those times tried to speak with her about this goal of hers but she isn't listening as she is determined to get Ichika all to her, even Charlotte tried to. But unfortunately she didn't listen. Even Ichika himself tried to speak with her but like the others even to her love one she seems to be deaf at their requests. As everyone got worried even to the teachers of the academy, as they got the group seperated from Icihika, Y/N, Charlotte and Laura for the time being.

Despite of her good looks she has some bad intentions just to get her "love one" to her side. Which well her sister tried to speak with her as same as the others nothing happened.

So going forward the group is discussing a plan towards Houki's love for Ichika slowly turning into obsession, as Charlotte got a plan but she asks Ichika.

Charlotte:" Is there any bad memory between you & Houki."

Ichika thinks as he has his deep thoughts remembering the past. There is one, and that is during their childhood, he remembers the time that he wad kidnapped Houki was there all the time for him after the kidnapping she built his confidence and his courage up back again.

-Story made by Mikeratto-

Despite of this as he is seeing through her efforts possibly her love too, He can't fully accept her as he only views her as a friend and he can't see her as a future girlfriend. This never changed since then, as he sees through their actions from Houki's wanting him for herself then here comes, Rin and Cecilia finally he met Laura who despite of her different nature to others he loved her for who she is. As she is the one who accepted him as who he is.

Laura while listening blushes and hugs Ichika:" I love you too, Ichika but I think that."

Charlotte shouts :" That's it! That's our plan!, Laura I need you to-."

Y/N stares at Charlotte as he is listening to them.

Laura:" I got it Charlotte, our plan is to get some guys who can torture Ichika not saying we would hurt you. " She stares into her love one. "We will hire some men who can actually re-do the kidnapping to you as we need to make sure Houki is fully invested on saving you then after that we can make her realize that she is selfish for what she is doing for that last few months."

Chifuyuu heard their conversation :" Listen, I don't agree with this plan, but this is actually a great one to help one of our finest student to move on and be her best again. "

Charlotte and Laura gets into a high five position but Y/N talks:" Uhm, so who will we hire that we can make sure that Ichika's safe for all we know. "

Chifuyuu has her cellphone and she calls someone and after that she tells Icihika:" We will hire your twin sister's friend."

Everyone except Orimura Sensei:" TWIN SISTER????! "

Chifuyuu:" Yes, by the way she's coming here. "

Madoka appears behind her as she ran up to hug Y/N and Charlotte gets jealous, As he recognizes her from one of the previous battles he had. A friendly rival who he had as he explains this to Charlotte but despite of this friendly rivalry they are great friends as they got their back on their battles and in their emotional support.

As the story continues what would be the continuation after this, Read more in the next chapter again this is Mikeratto and have a good day.

A crossdresser story (Infinite Stratos Reader x Charlotte Dunois Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora