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Eleftheria and Bruce grew up together, their parents being very close friends. So when Bruce's parents passed they gladly took him in. Bruce created a nickname for her sense she had a very long name, he called her Hera. Bruce and Eleftheria even made a deal when they turned 17. 

"For the good of our parents and our companies, we'll get married," and they did. 

They got married the moment they were both 18, and the took over their parents companies. Though they got married in secret so no one knew about anything they were doing. No one in the press knew about the fact that they knew each other, let along the fact that they are married, and are going to have their first daughter in a few months. Hera had even bought a house right next to Bruce's so that way people weren't suspicious, and she could easily sneak in to see her husband when she wanted.

They had their first daughter, Agapy, of as they called her affectionately Gabby, because she is always speaking in her baby voice.  They had a lot of trouble raising her sense she was very active, and Bruce was very busy with both his day and night time jobs, and they still technically lived in different houses. Gabby spending most of her time with Hera too, sense Bruce was technically suppose to live alone, and a child would distract him. 

Alfred was thankfully alway there for Hera while she spent the first 3 years raising energetic Gabby. Then they found out she was pregnant again on Gabby's 4th birthday. After they went home from seeing the flying Graysons, who were actually slight friends with Hera. 

This time with twins. They were honestly very easy, and quiet for their first 3 years, and Gabby even tried to help with them. Though this often ended with a big mess somewhere that they all cleaned up before Alfred could see sense they didn't want to bug him when they were there to see Bruce, but over time it was more so Alfred could see them sense Bruce was often very 'busy'.

The twins were given their nicknames by Alfred. He just called them their name meaning. He called Thalassa, Ocean, and Seleny, Moon. 

Just before the twins 5th birthday, which is about a month after their older sisters birthday, they found out about what happened to the flying Grayson's and Hera dragged Bruce to the orphanage to get the 8 year old Dick. Alfred didn't really care either way, he watched the girls as they were going to get Dick, sense they didn't want to overload him. 

He was very grateful to them for taking him in and was very excited. He spent time with both Hera and Bruce at each of their houses and having a room in each house. Things were tough when Dick found out Bruce was Batman, and they were even tougher on Hera' end sense she found out once again that she was pregnant again! Though she also found out about bruce cheating on her, though she couldn't really do anything, so she just ignored that fact. 

She was stressed out beyond anything, and was struggling to keep up. So she hired Nannies, to help a little, she still made as much time as she could for all her children, but the nannies helped her when she had to do something, and couldn't be there. 

She had her next daughter Musike, or as she and Alfred called her, Melody. She even let her little brother move in  with his new daughter, who was a few months to a year younger than Melody. Dick tried to help his motherly figure as much as he could, and after a year of this. Her lost her little brother, Eithne, so she adopted her niece Harra. Bruce becoming her adopted father in the process. Harra honestly didn't want a nickname. 

Many years go by happily for them, with Hera slowly becoming less, and less loving towards Bruce. Sense she had caught him cheating multiple time. Hera helped him with his hero duties, but making the leagues bases, and all their systems, she even updated the bat system. 

A few weeks after the twins 10th birthday(Dick is 14, Gabby is 16, Melody is 6, and Harra is 5), there was knock on Hera's door very late at night. This woke her up, so she was grumpy, though she was also happy that she fell asleep in her office right near her front door. She answered it slightly annoyed, and was surprised when a 6 month baby was shoved in her arms. This woke her up, and she looked at the letter shoved into her hands with the baby. The letter pissed off Hera, so marched out of her house, and went to Bruce's house. She sat in the Bt Cave waiting for Bruce and Dick to come back from patrol, though while she was waiting she did a blood test on the child to see if her anger is warranted on Bruce so she doesn't do anything she will regret. The results made her madder.

When they came back they were both surprised to see an angry Hera with a baby in her arms. They knew she was beyond pissed sense her eyes went from being their usual jewel blue to being pitch black with a old slit in the center of them. A red mist coming from her eyes, making it so over all she looked like a full blooded killer. 

Dick hid behind Alfred who stood very still and nervous next to Bruce. Clearly also scared of the angry Hera. Scared that any sudden movements would make her pounce on them. Bruce slowly approached her. 

"Hera?" She looked at him, the red slit in her eyes becoming nothing but  a line, "who's baby is that?" He tried very hard to keep his bat composure, but on the inside he was pissing himself. 

"Talia  Al Ghul, and yours, Bruce." That answer made all the color drain from his face quickly, but it was decided that Hera and him would raise the baby girl together, so they adopted her, but before things went back to normal Hera looked Bruce dead in the eye, the night after they both adopted Dementria, and said, "Dementria is my last straw Bruce. If you do anything else and I find out, I will take all of our daughters, including Dementria, and leave your sorry ass. Understand?" Bruce couldn't do anything but nod at her statement. Scared out of his mind

One day when Dick was 15,(Gabby was 17, Ocean, and moon are 11, Melody is 7, Harra is 6) he had it with Batman/Bruce, and they got into yet another fight. Dick left, and moved in with a team called the Teen titans as Nightwing, and Bruce quickly found and met Jason. He quickly adopted Jason, and they gained a new member of the family. Jason honestly loved his new family, well all that he met so far.

6 months into him becoming Robin Hera forced him to meet his older brother Dick, and they got along great. 

Though 3 years later Jason died, and no one was very happy. Hera was mad again when he adopted Tim as quickly as he did, but she was never mad a Timothy himself. She helped raise him well, and it was found out that she was pregnant again. Another set of Twins, and things were going great. 

Everyone was very happy, Bruce even spent more time with all his children. Hera even found out, and began helping Jason with his new life. Never leaving him. 

Then came Dementria's 10th birthday. (Gabby is 24, Dick is 22, Ocean + Moon is 20, Jason is 19, Melody is 16, Tim is 15, Harra is 15, Zoe + Tha are 6). The day that the entire Wayne family falls apart. 

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