Part 10

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There stood Barney the dinosaur, wrapped in a short towel and staring at Shrek.

"M-m-m-m-moto? W-w-wha-a-at's the meaning of this?" Shrek asked in a shaky voice, utterly heartbroken and pulling back his tears.

"Shrek, its not what it looks like." Moto said, placing both his hands on Shrek's shoulders.

"Oh really Moto? W-w-w-what is it then?"

"Barney's shower just broke. I let him use mine. We didn't do anything, I promise."

"And you expect me to believe that? That Barney The Purpleicious just so conveniently happened to ask to use your shower out of all the showers in the universe? No, Moto. I will no longer take this CONSTANT MANIPULATION. YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYING ME FROM DAY 1. YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME, THEN I CATCH YOU WITH SOME DINOSAUR?! No. You pushed me too far this time. I have given you second chance after second chance and I can give them no longer. I DON'T NEED YOU. I'VE SURVIVED THIS LONG, HAVEN'T I?!?! I HAVE BEEN ALONE MY WHOLE LIFE, I DON'T NEED YOU. I just can't believe that you'd do this to me. WAS NONE OF IT REAL??? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE WANTED FROM ME, I'M JUST A LOSER, A FREAK! I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHERS YET YOU CHOSE TO PLAY ME. I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE. YOU THIN-"

But he was cut off by Moto kissing him hard on the lips.

They stared into each other's orbs, drowning in the other's beauty.

They were in love.

Shrek x Moto MotoWhere stories live. Discover now