•Chapter 6: Training Day 3•

Start from the beginning

"Same rules apply." Eric said as he walked over and stood next to Four.

"Why wouldn't they?" I muttered. I sighed and composed myself. Four threw the knife and it landed a foot away from my hip.

"Oh, come on, Four." Eric said. Four flipped theknife in his hand and stared at me. Like he was asking if I was ready for this.

Although, it's not like I had much time to answer, because suddenly the knife landed a foot away from the left side of my face

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Although, it's not like I had much time to answer, because suddenly the knife landed a foot away from the left side of my face. Thanks for the warning, dude. "You can get closer than that." 

"Youwant me to give her a little trim?" Four asked.

"Youwant me to give her a little trim?" Four asked

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"Yeah, maybe just a little off the top." Eric said. Suddenly, a knife landed above my head. I closed my eyes, ready for the next one. Suddenly, I felt something cut my ear and the knife was right next to my head. I opened my eyes and reached up, feeling blood on my ear. "Points for bravery, Princess. But not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth." I rolled my eyes. "Now watch yourself. We train soldiers, not rebels."

"You got it." I said, nodding.

"Alright, we're done for the day." Eric said. "Get out." Everyone but Four walked out.

"You alright?" Four asked as I started walking away.

"You cut me, how am I supposed to feel?" I asked.

"I meant to." He said, causing me to stop and turn to him. 

"What?" I asked, a little pissed.

"You think he was gonna let you off without a scratch?" He asked, pointing to Eric's retreating figure. "You'd still be standing there if I hadn't hit you."

"Well, a warning would have been nice." I said, crossing my arms.

"I gave you one." He said. I rolled my eyes at his terrible warning.

"So, what am I supposed to do, thank you?" I asked, causing him to turn to me. He took a second before speaking.

"You're supposed to be smart." He said. "If wanted to hurt you, I would have." 

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