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It was a stormy, dark, night and Enji or "Endeavor" was just coming home from his hero work. As he was entering his house his only daughter, Todoroki Fuyumi, greeted him with a grin on her face. Enji waved as he walked past her. Fuyumi sighed in relief. As Fuyumi was shutting their door, she heard faint panting from outside. Out of curiosity, she opened the door to see what was causing someone to pant. When she looked, she saw a drenched Keigo. Barely able to get a word out of his mouth, he quietly said, "Endeavor-san.." As he looked up his eyes met with a worried sick Fuyumi. "Are you okay?" Keigo's eyes went wide as Fuyumi gently smiled, symboling him to come in.
Five minutes later, Fuyumi and Keigo was still at the door, with Fuyumi becoming slightly annoyed. "Are you gonna come in, or what?" When Fuyumi said that, Keigo snapped back to reality. "O-Oh! My bad really! heh heh.." Fuyumi then turned around and started walking to the living area. "You're the number 2# hero and you're this slow? Pfft.! Seriously.." "HEY! Cut it out! Do you know what being in cold rain does to you?!" "Yup, just witnessed it." Keigo groaned as he stood up and walked past Fuyumi. Fuyumi snickered as she watched him walk by, shutting the front door. Suddenly, Fuyumi was being dragged from the door and to her bedroom. "W-What is going on?!" Who knew what was dragging her was one of Keigo's feathers..? When she abruptly entered the room, her eyes met with Keigo's. The feather carried her to her bed and plopped her down as such. Still confused, Fuyumi questioned Keigo with no answer given in return. "What the hell Keigo!?" Keigo then looked at Fuyumi with a puzzled look. "Fuyumi! You know you shouldn't be saying those words!" Fuyumi then looked at Keigo with a even more pissed look then before. "What do you mean, huh Keigo? WE'RE THE SAME FUCKING AGE!!" Keigo busted out laughing as Fuyumi threw her blankets off of her. She walked to Keigo with a menacing look on her face. "What? You trying to intimidate me?" Fuyumi straighten her figure and leaned in to Keigo. "Yes, yes I am. I am intimidating right?" Fuyumi stood in her spot feeling proud as ever, until Keigo answered her question back with a blunt but truthful answer. "No, but you're being cute.." Fuyumi's face went from a peach skin tone to strawberry red real quick. Flustered as ever, she burried her head into Keigo's chest. Keigo once again chuckled as he started to pat Fuyumi's head while she was in his chest. "See? You're so adorable..I love that about you.."
That's the prologue! Hope you all enjoyed!
I honestly think this ship is wholesome-
Anyway thanks for reading the prologue!
Stay tuned for chapter 1!

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