Chapter 1

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Maddie's POV

I hear my name and my dance being called out from the wings. Kendall and Chloe give me a good luck hug. I gracefully walk out onto the stage into my opening pose. The music starts and begin dancing flawlessly. I nail every turn, I point my toes, my legs are straight, everything is going perfectly.

I look into the audience and I see Abby smiling at me. I try really hard to hold in my smile because I don't want to break charactar. I look around again as I do my split leap and I see Josh. He is smiling right at me. His smile is the best thing in the world. His sparkly white teeth with his blue eyes and amazing brown hair. I stumble a bit as I loose my concentration. I see Abby's smile turn into a frown and I get scared of what she might say. As the thoughts of what she might say go through my head I realise that I've stopped dancing. The whole audience, including the judges are staring at me. My face goes red with embarrassment but I continue dancing. As soon as I do my leap I realise I am at the edge of the stage. I quickly jerk trying to get back on the stage but it is too late. I am soon falling off the stage. I shut my eyes tight and squeeze myself hoping it will go away. I hear a giant thud, the audience and judges gasp and a strong pain shoots up my back and then everything goes black and I can't open my eyes.

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