💬Task 2 (vomments)💬

320 50 131

Deadline: August 15, 2021 Sunday at 11:59 pm


Read the instruction carefully before moving on to the task to be done.

▪️Make sure you can do the task you need to do before the deadline ends.

▪️Do the task well.

▪️Read carefully the whole chapter before vomments.

▪️You only have one week to do the task.

▪️This task is by pair.

▪️By vomments. Please do not be deceived by what is stated in the instructions, that is what you should do or follow.

▪️The comment on the pair must be a maximum of 3 comments per each chapter and per inline. I hope your comment on your partner's story is good. Don't just comment as if you're lazy.

▪️After you vomments your partner's story, please comment inline using the correct format stated.


When you are done with the task comment inline using this format

🔹️Done with your partner

🔹️Rate your partner's story title [1-10]

🔹️Rate your partner's book cover [1-10]

🔹️Rate your partner's description [1-10]

🔹️Rate your partner's grammar [1-10]

🔹️Rate your partner's character [1-10]

🔹️Rate your partner's readers enjoyment [1-10]

🔹️Overall explain why you gave that score to your partner. Starting with the title, book cover, description, grammar, characters, readers enjoyment.


▪️Did you get it? If you understand, please comment in the comment inline like this 🍰.

Comment here➡️➡️➡️

▪️If not, please comment in the comment inline like this 🍪.

Comment here➡️➡️➡️

▪️Comment like this '♣' when you are done doing task 2.

Comment here➡️➡️➡️

▪️If you do not receive a birthday cake (🎂) from your partner or group, you will not be able to participate in the next task.

▪️If you do not follow the instructions above you will not be able to participate in the next task.

▪️If there is a problem do not be shy to message me.


For vote + comment =
vomments task

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