2. Jake (Updated)

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Hi! Here's the second chapter! Please read my other story, Reiba. I will probably be updating on this story quickly at first, with the chapters that were saved, and then slowly while I try to recreate the old chapters and write new ones. Please be patient with me. Thank you.



A/N Hello! I updated the cover, you may have noticed. Just wanted to mention it.

P.S. May the fourth be with you :)


     Silver woke up with a slight headache, like she always did whenever there was a full moon. She sat up, both grateful and hating that it was a weekend. Plus, there were two days off of school the following week. Four days trying to deal with Jake. She figured that she might as well try and be friends with him. It wasn't as if she was going to transform in the middle of the day. She would just have to stay away from him at night, especially on full moons. Like tonight.

     She had decided to be his friend, but could she really do it? She had spent so trying to distance herself from people, could she really try to get close to someone? Part of her wondered why she was getting close to him. Was she letting her guard down just because his name was Jake?

     She sighed. She could figure that out later. For now she would at least try to be his friend. She knew there would be risks, but she would have to accept the consequences.

     That's when she realized: this was probably the first time she's tried to accept the consequences of her curse.

     This wasn't possible. She had spent years not making any progress getting past her parents death. How could she be moving past it so quickly? Had all her hatred toward the curse and resentment toward herself just been bottled up inside her and now it was just waiting to rush out of her? Could anything in her life really be so simple?

     She doubted it, but she had almost ninety six hours straight to figure it out before he went back to school. Soon she would have the entire summer.

     In ten minutes she was out the door and heading toward the boys orphanage. Then she stopped in front of the porch. What was she supposed to do? Just walk in and expect Jake to be waiting there for her saying "There you are, I was wondering where you've been!" Was she supposed to stand here waiting for him to come out? What if he was already out and didn't come back until late that night?
Silver swallowed a lump in her throat. Tonight... what would she be doing tonight? Would she possibly...

     Luckily Silver was spared completing this thought, as a boy with spiky blond hair walked out of the orphanage. Silver recognized him as the boy who was hanging out with Jake yesterday.
     "Um... I'm looking for Jake..."

     The blond boy nodded and smiled at her. It was a strange smile, as if he knew secrets about herself even she didn't know. "I'm Sam, a friend of Jake. Wait here, I'll get him for you."

     While Silver waited awkwardly. She was very glad when Sam came out again, Jake in tow.

     "Just tell me why yo-AAAHH!" Jake had tripped on one of the porch steps. "Oh, hi Miranda." He said, spitting out dirt. "What are you doing here?"

     "Um..."She had momentarily forgotten why she had come here. "I... just wanted to see you..."she mumbled this quietly. She hadn't realized how it sounded until the words were already in her mouth. Suddenly coming over here just to see him was a lot more embarrassing.

     "Really? Well... uh..."

Sam gave a little laugh."good luck little lovebirds."

     Both Silver and Jake began to protest that they didn't even know each other. The whole time Sam laughed, but once in a while he looked over at Silver with a queer look on his face.

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