Moving Day

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The city of Sunhold was built amidst the green grasses of a gentle field and is truly an architectural curiosity. Its charm is matched by the backdrop of modest hills which have helped shape the city into what it is today.
The riches these hills brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built in various round shapes and sizes, which mimics the playfulness of the hills around them.

The skyline is growing with impressive skyscrapers and they've been designed to adorn the city and each other. Employment is tremendous in Sunhold and it has attracted a lot of attention. Many different cultures have left their mark not just on education, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of monotony has grown into a fusion of everything and it's this that unites the 7 million people to this day.

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of food carts, take-outs and cafés offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy city exploring, tours, theatres or one of the many other recreational venues.


There was one house.

From the outside, this house looks snug and comfortable. It has been built with red pine wood and has grey stone decorations. Small, square windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a mostly asymmetric way.

The house is equipped with a large kitchen and one small bathroom, it also has a large living room, three bedrooms, a roomy dining area, a bar and a grand basement.

The building is shaped like an L. The extension extends into wooden overhanging panels reaching until the end of that side of the house.

The second floor is smaller than the first, which creates a layered style of look in combination with the roof. This floor has roughly the same style as the floor below.

The roof is low, triangular, but one side is longer than the other and is covered with red ceramic tiles. One large chimney pokes out the centre of the roof. A few round, small windows let in enough light to the rooms below the roof.

The house itself is surrounded by a gorgeous garden with many hidden lights that make the garden come to life at night.

And that house belonged to a mother with two kids.


"Michael! Briar! Come downstairs please!"

Rushing down the stairs, smiling and laughing were two siblings. Michael and Briar Rosen.

Michael wasn't an actual part of the family because he was adopted by Briar's mother when he was 7 and when Briar was 4. After leaving his tragic childhood in the past, each year, Michael learns how to love and love others by his adoptive mother and sister.

The two youngsters arrived into the living room and sat down at the dining table, along with their mother Miriam.

"Why are we here, Mother?" Briar asked, fiddling with the tags of her shirt.

"Well, because I decided that it was time to move–"

"Houses?!" Michael yelled.

"Let me finish, Michael." Michael calmed himself down as Miriam carried on explaining. "I mean you two are going to a different school in this borough. It's called Titan High School."

"Now? We just moved a week ago."

"I know that but your current school is far away from here and the mayor, along with the principal, teamed up to own the school together so you'll be fine."

"Wait, how did we get to this school?"

"Well, the signup sheet for Titan High came yesterday and I signed up for it so that you two would be late and also you'll make new friends there just like you did in your old school."

"Um, well, I don't feel like it's a good idea." Briar stuttered, scratching her hair.

"Why, Bri?" Michael asked.

"Well, I just don't. I mean, you saw what happened in middle school. Bailey and Chloe picked on me every day."

"Don't worry about that. That was 2 years ago. Let it go."


Michael put his arm around Briar's neck, smiling at her, "And besides, if anyone tries to be mean to you, I'll be there to comfort you."

"Thank you, Michael." Briar faintly smiles, gently putting her hand on Michael's forearm.

"I'm proud of you two," Miriam smiles at her two kids. "I'm sure that the whole idea about inviting kids over to the school will be amazing."

Michael and Briar nod, with grins on their faces.

"Come on, time for lunch."

Michael, Briar and Miriam get off the table. As Miriam went to prepare lunch, Michael and Briar went to watch TV.

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