Squad 312 as stuff my friends have said/done

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Scarlet, watching Cat and Ty share a look: Confidential walks out the door when it comes to the dream team.

Zila: The only comforting thing is having adequate personal space

Scar having bi panic: Her nipples were staring at me

Fin: I have a physics class in my pants

Auri: *Asian Salsa Dancing*

Kal: Why are you so afraid of a bean pole

Auri, after a power black out: I thought I was the reincarnation of Christopher Columbus

Cat: Stomp on my soul? Good luck finding it.

Fin, to Cat: The ball's not the hazard, you are.

Zila: Touch me again and I'll kill you. In a non-criminal way.

Auri: I'm less asian over there.

Zila: If you're little like me, you get hit and just roll.

Fin: I need to know peoples traumas before I deem them worthy of my ranting.

Auri: Can you type without your eyes?

Cat: I genuinely prefer being boiled alive.

Magellan: Who knew grammar could be so sexy?

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