Chapter 4

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Author POV

The next morning, you yawn and got up from the bed you were sleeping in to see Mitsuri, Shinobu, Nezuko, and Makomo also wake up.

You: Hey guys.

The girls turn to see you and greeted you back.

Shinobu: Hey guys. I'm going to take a bath first.

You: Not if I am.

You said and quickly grab your clothes before rushing into the bathroom before she can make Shinobu pout while the rest of the girls were chuckling. You heard their laugh and also laugh imagining her expression and went to take a bath. Once you were done taking a bath, you finally come out with your uniform on and it was Shinobu's turn. After all of the girls were done taking turns taking a bath, you all went to the common guest room to see the others were already there.

You: Hey guys, ready to go?

Ume: Heey~ Y/N.

Ume from the Kizuki house greeted you as she walks up to you and wraps her arms around your shoulder. The Pillar house glare at Ume making her yelp and quickly went back to where the rest of her housemates were.

You: What was that about?

Sabito: Ignore her. She's just clingy to you.

He said with jealousy hidden in him. You all went to the Great Hall to eat breakfast and sit as usual on the Gryffindor table. You and the rest of the Pillar house and Kinoe house were talking happily as the Kizuki house were talking mostly about you. Once you were done eating breakfast, you all decided to walk around the Hogwarts castle to explore more while the Hogwarts students were having classes.

You: Ah, at least we don't have to take classes, especially we're from different schools.

The others hummed in agreement as you all continue to walk around.

Timeskip to an afternoon...

You were done writing your name as you walk out of the common room to see Rengoku, Uzui, Muichiro, and Mitsuri.

Rengoku: Ah, Y/N my girl, you're finally coming!

He said and the rest glare at him when they heard the word, my girl.

You: Mhm. I just got to write my name on the parchment to enter.

Uzui: Sucks on you cause me, Obanai, Rengoku, and Sabito were going to enter too.

He said while raising his parchment containing his name along with Rengoku. You stick out your tongue on him and said.

You: Bet I'm gonna be get chosen.

Uzui: No me!

That's when you and Uzui started to bickering with one another about who to get chosen as Kimetsu champion while the others except for Muichiro who is confused at what is happening sweatdropped. The bickering has ended after Kanae and Tanjiro scolded you two while the other chuckles. You found out that Shinobu and Sanemi will also enter along with Ume, Douma, Kaigaku, and Akaza. You all went to the great hall to see a commotion. You see a Dumstrang boy walking up to your group and smiles at you before winking and walk past you making you flustered slightly not noticing the murderous aura that appeared on Pillar, Kinoe, and Kizuki house making the whole room went silent as the others gulp in fear like they were gonna pee in their pants.

Hogwarts student's thoughts: They're very scary...Scarier than You-Know-Who

They thought as you all march to the Goblet of fire and put the parchment with your name on it. You smile feeling proud of yourself and heard someone talking about you all.

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