Chapter 1 | A New Dawn

Start from the beginning

"Ah, yes. Can you tell me your name, please?"

"Elizabeth Walker."

After saying goodbye to Douxie, Liz waited patiently in a chair on the side as the lady went to get the principal. A tall man with black and side grey hair and green eyes entered the office, noticing an unfamiliar face. Curious, he approached the girl with a friendly smile. "Hello there. I don't believe we have met. I am Mr. Strickler, the history teacher."

Liz looks up to greet him. However, she senses something strange about the man. Shaking the thought off mindfully, she smiled back politely and held out a hand to shake. "Elizabeth Walker, but everyone calls me Liz. Nice to meet you, Mr. Strickler."

As the two shook hands, the lady returned with a short, middle-aged man. "Ah, I see that you two have acquainted. Perfect. Welcome to Arcadia Oaks High, Miss Walker. I am Principal Levit. I have your class schedule here, and your first class of the day will be with Mr. Strickler. Since you're here quite early, why don't you explore around to get familiar with the campus? Mr. Strickler, would you mind giving Miss Walker a small tour?"

Mr. Strickler nodded. "Not at all. Come along, Miss Walker. We'll start with my office first."

Liz follows Mr. Strickler as he leads her down the corridor to his office. After dropping off his bag and explaining his open office hours, the tall teacher guides her throughout campus, pinpointing each area: the classrooms, bathrooms, gym, library, cafeteria, auditorium, and finally, the courtyard. Just before Liz could thank her teacher, a sharp pain coursed through her body, making her stumble with a gasp. Kanjigar.

"Are you alright?" Mr. Strickler asked, glancing at his student with worry. Liz clenched her jaw but quickly hid her pain with a smile. "Quite alright, Mr. Strickler. I just realized I forgot something at home. "

Quirking a brow, the teacher glanced at his watch, then back to the young girl before him. "Ah, I see. School won't be starting for another hour or two. I presume that should be enough time for you to reach home and back here on time?"

Liz nodded, slowly stepping backward. "Yes, that should be enough. See you later today in class, Mr. Strickler."

Waving at him, Liz quickly turned and left the campus, her feet carrying her to her apartment a few blocks from the school. She clenched her jaw, ignoring the sharp, throbbing pain radiating throughout her body as her mind raced in worry for the Trollhunter. Finally, Liz catches sight of her blue motorbike parked in front of her apartment's main entrance. She fishes out her keys from her denim jacket's inner pocket. Hopping onto her bike, she turns on the engine and drives to Arcadia Oaks Canal, hoping that Kanjigar is alright. After dodging past cars, Liz parks her motorcycle on the side away from traffic near the bridge before running towards the canal. Stopping before the drop into the canal, her hand went over her mouth in shock. What she saw down below shook her to the core.

At the bottom of the canal were broken pieces of stone, and in its center, gleaming under the sunlight, was the Amulet of Daylight. Liz immediately recognized who it was: Kanjigar, the Courageous, her guardian, her mentor, and her foster father, Kanji. Before she knew it, tears were running down her face as she processed this. She couldn't believe it, but the proof was before her. Kanjigar would not have been easily defeated unless...he sacrificed himself. For him to sacrifice himself to daylight, it must have been to protect the Amulet of Daylight from another troll. Only one came to mind. Bular, the Butcher.

Liz scans through her surroundings for any signs of the Gumm-Gumm prince, but is nowhere to be seen. Glancing at the sun, she believes Bular to be long gone. However, she knows she has to keep the Amulet of Daylight safe before it gets into the wrong hands, so she makes her way down the slope of the canal.

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