Not exactly what I expected

Start from the beginning

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww, cupcake there's no need to be scared! It's actually really fun down there! The really jerky pchycos, sociopaths and sickos have their own special 1/3 of hell. Then the petty sinners get the other third, and last but not least, born demons get the last portion of wonderland" She grinned, I was unwillingly impressed. 'that is quite a solid system.' 

"But haven't the crazy people tried to rebel?" Her grin widened 

"no, everyone basically gets to do what they want. It's pretty dope. The sexist, racist and homophobic people we send back to earth to try and live a better life and come out less bitchy." I thought for a moment then nodded my head, she approaches me with her signature smirk and I back away slightly. My back hits the desk and her arms are placed either side of me. Trapping me.

"W-what are you doing?!" her smirk just grew.

"The question is, what are you doing?" My thoughts raced, nearly as fast as my heart was beating. The pink dusting that once resided over my cheeks had now made way for a dark crimson colour

"W-what?"  'oh my alchemy what do I do?!' she laughed melodically.

"relax goggles. I just want to know what Alchemy inventions you're cooking up in this here lab." I let out a sigh of relief. she mocked innocence, widening her eyes cutely 'gah! Not cutely! Bad Varian!'

"Why, what were you thinking of Sugar" she smirked again, my face felt uncomfortably hot. 

"N-nothing! J-just a-alchemy formulas" I laugh awkwardly 'nice going slick. Reeeeeaaaaaalllllllll smooth.' she giggled and released me from her hold.

"Well let's get to work blue" I gave her a confused look, but never the less sat down in my chair once again and opened my notes to look through them. I felt some pressure on the top of my head. I looked up and saw her putting an arm on the top of my head and resting hers against it. I felt my mood lift for some reason, I smiled as I turned back to my notes. 'this will be interesting' I thought.


"There's no way you guys met like that! It's not that I don't believe you, it's just..............I don't believe you." My granddaughter Harley said. I smirked

"Hun, your grandpa is a total dork. He was oblivious to the fact that I like him for three years after I met him!" I rolled my eyes exasperatedly. 

"Holy Hades! That's insane! You did send him sign's right?" I closed my eyes and rubbed them grumpily

"Of course I did! I would literally write him notes telling him he's amazing and that I love him." Her mouth dropped open.

"no way! That's crazy!"

"Yes way, and it totally is crazy! Anyways, it's bed time for you. Your parents come home in half an hour." I said checking my watch  

"But I'm 13 years old! And the oldest! And your favourite!" 

"I don't give a crap. go to bed before I use the sleep spray on you" I threatened she jumped into bed, fast as lighting. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead (much to her complaint). I then walked out, turning off the lights to her room and closing the door. 

"night hun"

"night Grandma" she replied, already reaching for her phone that was on the other side of her bed. She was a 1/3 demon after all. I closed the door and felt the warm arms of my husband wrapping around my waist. He placed a kiss on my forehead and I giggled,

"hey babe, remember our first kiss together?" I asked smiling in amusement, he chuckled softly

"Well, it's hard to forget Satan rising out of the ground, granting you immortality and try to send you to the earths core." We both laughed quietly. 

"I love you hunny" He breathed resting his head his head on the top of mine. 

"Well, I love you more. So take that." I grinned

"no way. I love you soooooooooooooooooooo much" he smiled gently

"get a room! Your awful flirting is making me sick!" Harley shouted through the door. Varian laughed first. Then I started laughing. Varian released me and grabbed my hand dragging me to our room.   

Life in Hell with my husband, children and grandchildren was, in a word, perfect. The best part? I can spend eternity with the people I love.

Plus Eugene.




Howdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Partnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssssssss.

I'm really sorry for not updating. I've been really busy this summer and my motivation is down there partying with the dinosaurs 

Just know I'm not giving up on this book I already have another half completed chapter that I can now work more on, so just bare with me. I suffer from major lack of motivation and writers block. It's not fun guys.

 If you're reading this like five years into the future then hi, flying cars, where are we at with the flying cars?

 And have they invented Unicorns yet? 

Has the alien invasion come? 

What did you have for breakfast? My favourite breakfast is pancakes with syrup, whipped cream and strawberries on the top. But I like buttered toast too. 

And lastly, can you say 'I like food'? 

Say 'I like food'!



Food is delicioso! 




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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