Alice In The Wonderland Method

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Play some subs or frequencies and lay down, it's best if you do this on your back but you can be in any position.

Now imagine your self laying under a tree and you sit up and see someone from your DR.

You go to talk to them but they run away, follow them.

After running for a bit they jump down a rabbit hole, now you decide if you want to shift or not. if not open your eyes and go about your day, if yes jump down the hole.

While falling, you should imagine things from your CR and 'let them go', you can take as long as you want on this step.

Once you finish, you land in a small room with a table (there should be a key on the table) grab the key, unlock the door that should be in the room, and you should see someone from your DR in front of you.

Visualize them saying 'are you ready to go?' if not open your eyes, if yes then take their hands and walk through the door.

Now you should be in your DR bedroom and see your DR self laying on the bed in the same position you stared the method in.

Go on the bed, lay in that position and fall asleep (it helps to affirm while going to sleep) and then when you wake up you should be in your DR.

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