The Raven Method

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Put on subs or frequencies and lay down in a starfish position, no limbs touching.

I know this position is uncomfortable but try to get as comfy as possible.

Make sure no limbs are touching and you have no distractions.

Next count to 100 while visualizing your DR and saying affirmations in between each number.

example: 1, I have shifted 2, I am in my DR 3, I am no longer in my CR etc.

After you have counted to 100 (you can also go to 200 if you want to keep counting) you can do one of two things, open your eyes if you believe you have shifted and your surroundings have changed, or go to sleep.

If you choose the go to sleep then you can't move (you can move in your sleep thought because you can't really control that).

NOTE: you should be VERY tired before you try this, that will greatly help you shift.

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