Shayan was a kind brother for once, and helped me with my bags while he walked us to the car which was quite a distance away due to the lack of spots available in the car park. I thought the reason Shayan had difficulty parking was because he was looking alone but I was pleasantly surprised to see two other people waiting in the car. Weston Mckennie and Brenden Aaronson.

 "Hey guys!" I greeted.

 "Oh my god. NAYAAA I MISSED YOU!" Weston welcomed jumping up and down.

 "I missed you too Weston! How are you?" I grinned while hugging him.

 "I'm better now that you're here!" Weston was smiling like a little kid in a sweet shop.

 "Brenden! It's been too long how are you?" I greeted, changing the flow of the conversation to Brenden.

 "I've been getting by but some of us have been missing our favourite movie star!" He replied.

 "Yeah right. I doubt that you've watched either of my movies! However, Weston I can trust." I jested. 

 "You know as much as I love reunions, we should probably go now because of them." Shayan interrupted, pointing to a storm of men with cameras running our way. 

 I was internally shaking my head because damn those sweet little kids lied to me and told everyone I was here.

 "Yeah alright we can go now." Brenden agreed.

We all began to place my stuff in the trunk of Shayan's car. After we finished I took a few pictures and signed some autographs before the paparazzi could ambush me. We got in the car safe and sound. However let's just say driving through that mess was no fun for Shayan who was constantly honking and trying to not run people over. 

 "You've gotten significantly better at driving since the last time I saw you." I complimented.

 "It's this London traffic. Absolutely horrifying." Shayan shuttered.

 "Thank god I don't have to deal with this everyday when I'm going to training. Turin isn't nearly as bad as this." Weston winced.

 "Yeah this is brutal. God I couldn't imagine having to go through this more than once a month." Brenden added.

 "Oh by the way, where are we going now?" I questioned.

  "The USMNT training facility we're using while here in London. It's time for you to meet the rest of the guys. You'll love them." Shayan answered. 

 "Yes because meeting a bunch of *soccer* players who are probably as sweaty as hogs right now is exactly what I'm looking forward to." I muttered.

 "Uhm hello. We're right here!" Brenden reminded her.

  "Sorry Brenden. It's true though." I reasoned.

 "I'm not even gonna try and dispute what Naya said." Weston chimed in.

I smirked triumphantly as I listened to the guys converse.

 "By the way, how come you didn't get papped as quickly as you usually do?" Shayan asked me.

"Uhm probably because I'm wearing my glasses and my hair's up, so I'm more unrecognisable." I assumed.

 "I've also been caught by the paparazzi a few times. The outcome was much worse than yours Naya, I was practically mauled because they wanted pictures of me so badly." Weston bragged.

 "Wes that was one little boy and little girl who wanted a photograph with you. Suddenly they're the paparazzi?" Brenden doubted.

 Shayan and I laughed as Weston grumbled and Brenden continued poking fun at him. We continued to drive for about 15 minutes more before stopping in front of a large building. Also known as, the USMNT training facility they were using while in London. 

 "This place is huge. It looks bigger than a damn hotel." I exclaimed.

 "Yeah. Well Naya, welcome to a country where *soccer* is actually appreciated." Shayan smiled.

 I rolled my eyes and went in with Shayan, Weston, and Brenden. Once I walked in I was immediately hit with a wave of cool air and the scent of an airplane. I hated the smell of airplanes. It was an indescribable dislike that I head. So, like any rational person, I grabbed the air freshener that I always carried with me, and secretly sprayed around me.

 Okay, maybe I have a tiny bit of a problem.

 The guys walked me through the building, casually saying hellos and how are yous to everyone they passed. I could not imagine being this social. Finally, we reached the changing room doors to which I absolutely refused to go through.

 "Uhm I don't think I'll go through. That's where all the players get dressed and stuff. It'd make everyone, not to mention me, uncomfortable." I refused.

  "No worries Naya, all the guys are out practising on the field out back. And to get to the field, we need to walk through the changing room." Brenden instructed.

 "That's a really odd set up." I noted.

 "It is. It's annoying as hell when you have to try and go out to the pitch without slipping on your way there." Weston agreed.

 "I've said it once and I'll say it again, English people are weird bro." Shayan added. 

 We all laughed and walked right through the changing room and onto the sidelines of the field where they were practising. It'd been a while since I'd been on an actual, proper sized football pitch. Upon walking onto the sidelines, I received a big smile and wave from Josh Sargent, who was practising with the other footballers on the field. So, I hadn't had the opportunity to be introduced to them yet. 

Instead, Shayan took it upon himself to introduce me to the manager and other members/coaches of the USMNT. I enjoyed talking with all of them for the most part. But above all, I was happy to have my brother beside me. 

 "Well it was lovely meeting you." I grinned as I ended the conversation with one of the trainers.

 I backed up and unfortunately wasn't looking where I was going. It was no surprise that I bumped into someone.

 "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologised.

 When I turned to see who it was I bumped into, my mouth went dry.   

That's the end for this chapter! Who do you think it is that she bumped into? Remember to leave a vote and comment please:) Have a blessed day:)

That's the end for this chapter! Who do you think it is that she bumped into? Remember to leave a vote and comment please:) Have a blessed day:)

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