Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Journal Entry: June 21, 2016

It has been about a week since I have gotten back on my feet and started training again. Strucker has decided to start putting me into some harder missions, he thinks I am old enough to fight for myself. Bucky, however, had not managed to get his act under control. He still was staying in my cell, and part of me wondered and hoped if he was purposely losing his temper so he could stay with me. There have been whispers around the HYDRA base about another potential threat. When I asked Strucker, he said it was a group of fools in clown suits from America, trying to stop a war before it starts. I asked them if they had a name, and he would not answer me. A swift cut to the arm and some russian cursing shut me up all right.

Even though Bucky is allowed to stay with me, I am worried for him. Other HYDRA agents have been watching him very closely, and they look as though they are preparing him for something. I'm not sure if Bucky knows what is going on. I have tried to question him on it, and he is hesitant to answer me. One of these days I will get answers from people, but until then I suppose I will have to deal with arrogant men who think they know everything and that I wouldn't understand. But I really can't stay mad at Bucky, there is just something about how he

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked, pulling Ali from her thoughts and making her drop her journal in surprise. "I umm, nothing" Ali said, trying to compose herself. Bucky bent down and picked up the worn red leather journal from the ground where she had thrown it. "What's this", Bucky said, rifling through the pages. "It's uhhh" Ali stalled, "A diary?" Bucky supplied, "No, no, it's... it's a journal" Ali said, settling on the term. "Yeah, I just write... umm... stuff" Ali wasn't quite sure why, but she wasn't ready to admit her name list, of all the people she had ever wronged or harmed. She had been keeping it ever since she became an agent for HYDRA, and to help her conscience, she would write letters to them, apologies more so. Not to mention the more personal notes, ones with her feelings.

"Huh, alright then" Bucky said. He still seemed intrigued by the notebook, but handed it back to Ali nonetheless. Ali, desperate for a change of conversation, was actually slightly relieved when she saw a tall HYDRA agent with blonde hair walking towards their cell, but that relief was short-lived. "Барнс! Вставай, Штрукер тебе нужен! Barnes! Get up, you are needed by Strucker!" Bucky rose to his feet dutifully, cast a sorrowful glance at Ali, and walked out of the door. Ali was slightly troubled, but knew to not let that bother her too much. It was almost time for training, and she should probably get ready.

Training took longer than usual that day, and by the time Ali walked back to her cell, most of the lights had been turned out. She intended on finishing her journal entry, and then would get some sleep. But by the time she reached her cell, she realized that something was off. Bucky was missing. Frantic, Ali ran through all the possible scenarios in her head. Did he get shot? Did Strucker decide he needed to be moved? What had happened? Ali's eyes roved the cell, before resting on the one thing out of place: her journal was resting on top of her bed, as opposed to under, where she usually hid it. Quickly, she flipped through the pages, opening it to where the last entry was written. She immediately noticed that the handwriting was not the same:

Ali- I don't have much time to write this, but I needed to let you know. I'm off on a mission. I wish I could tell you where I was going, but I can't. I don't know when I will return, nor do I know if I will at all. I promise I will find you though. I will return, you have my word

With all my love,


Ali stroked his signature, and flipped the page again. Out of the pages, with a jangle fell a chain: his dog tags. A scrap of paper fluttered down as well, and Ali caught it and flipped it over.

Let it be known, that I wouldn't give these to anyone I didn't trust. Now you can ensure that I will come back. Любовь Love.

Ali pulled the chain over her head and ran her fingers over the cold metal. She dropped the tag and it fell to her chest, over her heart. With one final glance up at the moon, she slipped into bed, feeling considerably colder and more empty without Bucky nearby.

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