Chapter 28: Birthday Plan

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I open my eyes in the morning and relize there's no hand around me. I realize I'm alone in my bed. I stand up and put on my jeans and my bra under Luke's plaid shirt. I make a high ponytail and when I look in the mirror my eyes almost drop out from the holes. My neck is full of Luke's love bites. There's no way I can hide all of them. I untie my hair and look around to find one of my scarves. When I find one, I tie it around my neck and when I'm sure there's no mark to see, I walk out of my room. I walk into the kitchen and see my mum. She's alone here. "Good morning honey" she says. "Morning" I say back to her. "Mum? Did you see Luke? And where's dad?" I ask her. "Your dad needed a help with something, so he took Luke with him" she asnwers and I spill the milk all over the counter. I'm standing there with my mouth open with terrified look on my face. "Is something wrong honey?" my mum asks me and it takes me some time until I shake my head. What the hell? It's pretty obvious they hate each other. I don't even want to imagine what they could do to each other. Yeah, Luke maybe is a demon, but this probably won't stop my dad. I mean, he's my dad. If he would had to protect me from Tyrannosaurus Rex, he would. Seriously.


"So, what do you think? Which one?" Peter asks me when we standing in front of the offer of summer houses. "I don't know" I say and shrug. He came in the morning into her room and call me to go somewhere with him. He told me he wanted to buy a summer house for years, but somehow he never bought one. Plus he wants me to help him to build it. "C'mon, I took you with me to help me. Just tell me your opinion" he looks at me. "The white one" I tell him finally. "Great. It's my favourite one. Seems like we have similar taste in things" he winks at me. "Good. I'll help you to build it, but I have a condition" I say when we go to the counter to pay for it. He raises his eyebrow but doesn't say anything. He paid for the summer house and filled some formular and then we go back to the car. "What condition?" he asks when we get in. "When it will arrived and when we will build it, I don't want your daughter to be at home" I say and he freeze for a second. "What do you mean?" he asks and looks at me. We're definitely not friends now, but he's trying to get som proper relationship with me because of her. "And why is that?" he asks again. "I noticed that the date of its arriving is the date of her birthday. I want to kinda surprise her. I mean, I won't tell her like I build it all by myself, but it just gave me some idea for her birthday. And I would appreciate if you and your wife would go out somewhere that evening. I want to be a little bit romantic" I answer him and according to his look I slightly crossed the line. "And how do you want to get her out of the house? And let me remind you that she's still grounded, so..." he says and shrugs. "I don't know, somehow I will. And c'mon, it's gonna be her birthday, do you really want her to be grounded at her birthday?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "You're right. She'll be 18. My little girl will be an adult. She deserves the best birthday ever. But I want to hear the whole plan before I'll agree with it" he says and I nod. At least something.


I'm sitting on the couch with my arms wrapped around my knees. I don't have any idea where they could be. I'm so scared that something will happen to one of them. That one of them will heart the other one. Then I hear the front door and laughing. I run to the hall and see my dad laughing at something with my boyfriend. I cross my arms at my chest. "What's so funny?" I ask and frown my eyebrow. "Hey, what's up doll?" Luke asks and kiss me on the forehead. I raise my eyebrow and he just shrugs. What the hell is going on here? My dad takes his briefcase and leaves to work. "Bye the two of you" he says to us. "See you dad" I say back to him and he closes the door. My body is suddenly pressed against the wall. "I've missed you" Luke whispers in my ear. I push him away from me. "You just disappeared with my dad in the morning and left me here without knowing anything. Do you realize how scared I was. I thought he's going to hurt you or you're going to hurt me. I was frustrated" I shout at him. "Hey doll, calm down" he says and stroke my arm with his hand. "I didn't hurt him and he didn't hurt me. He just wanted me to help him with something. That's all" he says pulling my hand, while he's walking to living room. He sits down on the couch and pulls me down on his lap. "What did you help him with?" I ask curiously. "Actually, I can't tell you. I promised him it's gonna be our secret" he says and smiles innocently.


Well, he didn't tell me I can't tell her. I told him to not to tell her. I have som plans with her for her birthday. She'll be turning 18, I want it to be a special day for her. But at first, I have to get her out of the house. Maybe I could ask her mum, but after that awkward moment I rather don't talk to her when I don't have to. Maybe I'll come up with another option. I have one week to figure this out. I hope something will come up to my mind. It has to be perfect and nothing can't ruin my plans. She has to have the best birthday ever. She deserves something special, because she is special. She means so much to me and I want just the best for her.

AN: What's Luke's plan??? Anyway 1.7K reads is totally amazing and I'm so happy. It makes me happy you like and enjoy this story.

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