Shadaze Part 1: The Awakening

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-Katherine's POV-

"Finally", I said. It has been two thousand years since I last had the warm sunlight on my face. Me, Scourge, Frost, and Mephiles are known as the Dooms. We are ancient natural born killers, and everyone is afraid if us. And "Doom" is our last name I guess that's why they call us that. Let me tell ya'll more about myself. My name is Blaze Katerina (Katherine) Doom The Kat, yeah I know long name. I'm the most dangerous person that has ever existed. I know what you thinking, that I am lying but in reality I'm not. Ya'll will figure it out more about me later. Me, and my sister, and my two brothers are going to my to mothers, Sindel Elizabeth Petrova, castle. She is the queen of Saints Valley. The problem is the castle is on the border line of the two kingdoms. So the border line also divides the castle in half. The right side is the dark side where all the evil people and creatures live. The left side is the hero side, where all the good people live. So the castle is split to the hero side and the dark side of course we live on the dark side, but now I'm wondering who lives on the hero side and who is ruling the hero side?.....oh and I forgot to mention our father was not the king of the hero side, "Saint Valley", he was the king of the dark side. The dark side kingdom where we were all born was called "Death Valley". Good people or people born on the hero side can cross the border to the dark side, the problem is that when they cross it and try to cross back they can't they are trapped for some random reason. They have to have our permission to cross back. Ok back to what I was father called me his little Flame Princess...I guess he called me that because of my powers are flames. He called Scourge his Earth Prince, he called Frost his Ice Princess, and he called Mephiles his Lightning Prince. Of course we were all called by our powers. And everybody know us by those names. Oh by the way my parents got killed by lycans and I hate good people and I'm pure evil lol... Then, suddenly the car we were in stopped then I looked out the car window and saw that we were at the castle gate.

-Petrova castle-

We all walked in with our luggage. (We don't like people touch our stuff) A man then came out with a crown... I was confused...I signaled Mephiles to go see who he was .He then walked to the man, but then I figured that maybe he was the new king of Saint Valley. But I knew I was going to get back what is mine.

-Mephiles POV-

Blaze gave me a sign to go and see who the man was lol. I just smirked and walked to the man. When I got there I asked him this: "Excuse me sir, if I may know who you are?" I asked him. "I'm the king of Saints Valley.", he replied "May I know your name?" I asked "Yes of course, my name is Jason, Jason Gilbert.", He replied In my mind that last name rang a bell, but I couldn't find out who's last name that was."Nice, to meet you let me call my brother and my sisters over so you can meet us." I told him. "Of course." He replied. I called my brothers and sisters to come. When they got here. As usual, Blaze had her serious face, Scourge and Frost had a curious face, I couldn't help, but laugh. "Dooms, this is Jason Gilbert, king of Saints Valley." I told them. "King, Jason this is my little brother Scourge Doom The Hedgehog, these are the twins, the one with dark brown hair and blue strips is Frost Nicole Doom The Cat, the one with black red striped hair is Blaze Katerina (Katherine) Doom The Kat, and I am Mephiles Doom The Dark. And we are called the Dooms." I told him. He was silent and looked surprised, but not scared. I was confused. Then finally he spoke. "You four are the Dooms?" he asked we all nodded. Then he spoke again. "Your mother is Sindel Elizabeth Petrova?" he asked. "Yes", I answered "Then, nice to meet you all I'm your step-father.", he told us. "WHAT!!!" we all answered in shock. "Yes your mother is my wife, she came back to life one-hundred years ago, and I also want to inform you all that you have five step-sisters and one step-brother. I'm so happy I get to meets you four." he said. I then turned to see Blaze her face in discussed and full of anger. And knowing that they are born on the hero side disgusted us, especially Blaze she hated everyone born on the hero side. Suddenly we heard a female voice we recognized that's sounded just like our mother. "My Dooms" we heard. We quickly turned around to see our mother I felt so excited and I knew my brother and the twins also felt as happy as I was if not happier. She then hugged us. Then she told us something I don't think Blaze or Scourge wanted to hear. "My Dooms, I missed you all, but I wish I could spend every day with you all, but there is a rule that I personally put.", she said "And what is that rule.", Blaze asked "That every kid under 21 has to go to school, so I have to inform you four that tomorrow is going to be your first day of high school.", she said "And why do we have to go I'm are 2,015 years old." Scourge said in an attitude. "Because even if you are 2,000 years old your are not older than 21 you all stop aging when you all were between 15-17 because you all fell in a coma 2,000 years ago. And Mephiles will stop aging when he is 20, the twins will stop aging at 19, and Scourge you will stop aging when you are 18. For the immortals it doesn't matter how old you, it matters when you stopped aging." my mother told her I gave him and evil glare so he can shut the fuck up. '"Ok mom we will go to school tomorrow." I told my mother. (Sorry if this is long and don't judge it's my first story I have ever written.)

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