chapter 10

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"He told me he trusts us Hazz! He's afraid to be hurt though so we need to be careful but I know he will be able to trust us fully soon enough. we just have to show him love." I press a kiss to Harry's head before letting him go and start helping him making dinner while thinking about how we get Louis used to everything. 

Louis' pov 

When I woke up it took me a few seconds to realize where I am and when I remembered a smile made its way onto my face. I'm home. 

I'm stood in front of the door of my room debating on if I should go down stairs to eat something seeing that my tummy is hurting and growling in hunger, right as I'm about to open the door a knock makes me jump slightly. 

"Louis are you awake?" I open the door to see Harry looking at me with a wide smile "There you are! I was getting worried I have some food ready down stairs if you want?" I nod slowly and then follow an almost skipping Harry down stairs. 

"Soooo my brothers are at work! So I was thinking that we should go shopping for clothes and maybe I can teach you some more stuff about our world if you want?" I stare at Harry is shock, is he really asking for my opinion?

"I-I get my own clothes?" Harry nods "Of course! As much as you want! I'm gonna spoil you so much!" I can't help but giggle at Harry's happy face which only makes him smile even wider "You're so adorable!" a blush creeps onto my face so I look away from Harry and focus me on my very weird looking breakfast. 

"Those are pancakes with some fruit, I hope you will like it but if not I will make something else." I carefully cut the pancakes the way Niall taught and take a bite and my eyes widen at the incredible tasting food. I quickly eat it all and can't help but feel disappointed when it's all gone even though I feel full. 

"Harry? Where do you get clothes?" Harry gives me an unreadable look before shaking his head "At a mall it's like a lot of big buildings and if you see something you like you have to give them this-" Harry grabs a weird looking paper out of a little compartment of his pants "-It's called money and you give them the amount that the clothes are worth. You make money by working which I do at the hospital the place we met." 

I nod slowly before something hits me "B-but I don't have money? I'm sorry." I look down in shame and I feel my eyes watering, stupid Louis! 

Harry gasps and suddenly he grabs my hands which makes me flinch slightly but I don't pull back instead I look up at Harry who frowns as he sees my teary eyes "Darling it's ok, I will use my money for it." I stare at Harry's eyes in confusion trying to see if he's joking but it doesn't seem like he is. 

"You would do that for me?" Harry nods "Of course darling, I want to take care of you as best as I can." A smile makes its way onto my face and I get off the chair that I'm sitting on and wrap my arms around Harry "Thank you so much Harry I'm so grateful that you and your brothers put up with me and I just wish I could repay you." 

Harry presses a kiss to my head before releasing me from his arms "There is no need to repay us darling, we love having you around even if you are still slightly unsure about everything." 

I nod slowly "W-well uhm I am because I can't help but think that my master will show up out of nowhere, I-I was send away to be trained because I was a bad slave so I know he wants me back." 

Harry has an angry look on his face "Well we do everything to keep you safe as long as you are here you will be protected and free I promise." Harry holds out his pinky to me and I can't help but look at it in confusion making Harry chuckle as he gently grabs my hand and wraps his pinky around mine. "It's called a pinky promise, it's like making the promise more real." 

I smile while looking at our intertwined fingers, even though I haven't known him or his brothers for that long I just can't help but trust them, they are so gentle and nice nothing like I have ever experienced. 

"Let's get you some clothes and some cleaning supplies yeah?" Harry asks while releasing my hand. I nod and follow Harry to where the shoes are "I might have a pair of shoes that fits you, we will be getting some right fitting shoes first." I nod and look at the shoes Harry put in front of my feet wondering how to put them on. 

"H-Harry? Help?" Harry looks at me in confusion but soon realizes what's happening "Oh I'm sorry Lou sit down over there and I will put them on for you." I sit down where Harry pointed and watch in shock as Harry kneels down in front of me, what's happening that's supposed to be my place why is he there. 

Harry grabs one of my feet and puts it in the shoe "what are you thinking about Louis?" He asks as he ties the ropes in the shoe before grabbing my other foot. "W-why are you kneeling in front of me? You aren't supposed to be there that's my pla-" Harry cuts me off "no darling that's not your place I'm just here to help you, we are all on the same level here!" He gets up as he also tied the last rope. 

"Ready to go darling!" 

I nod and follow Harry out of the house to the car and buckle myself up to be safe and watch as Harry does the same. I honestly still can't believe that I'm free but somehow my master's words this bounce around in my head. 

'You will always be mine remember that.' 



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