Chapter 6: First Practice

Start from the beginning

The other nurses and workers shouted at her as she quickly switched it off and left the place.

Nevermind...I take my words back—


"Grace! What are you doing?!" Sam slammed her hand on my table as I was listening to music. You can't blame me, I completed my least works.

"Oh, you know, flirting with your wife" I mocked, you can clearly see what am I doing because YOU HAVE EYES!!

"That's not the point!" He yelled.

"Of course it's not. The main point is, your wife didn't mind and we will be going on a date now" I laughed.

"It's not fun, I'm serious here" he said.

"And here I thought you're Sam"


"Sam, or Mr Serious" I giggled. He was over frustrated. We all have that one person who lost his/her anger screws too easily.

"Avoiding all the shits, I want to know what you mixed with the manager's coffee?" He asked, controlling his anger. Shoot! They found out so soon?

Yes guys, it's me! I mixed mosquito spray in the coffee but hey, I wanted to check if the spray was working or not...

Wow! Such a genius way to check!

"W-what coffee—? What are you saying?" I asked nervously.

"We all know you went to give coffee to the manager but since then, he is having extreme diarrhea" he snapped

"And how am I to be blamed? Maybe he has a weak stomach?" I shrugged.

"I highly doubt it"

"But you don't have any proof and either ways, stop wasting my time. Time is money and money is music and music loves me and my love is money. Now, f**k off" I said and plugged my earphones on again as he quietly left. You know what is best? Obviously TAYLOR SWIFT! Just another love song as I played "Love Story".

* * *

The work was done! Yup, finally it's evening and I can go now! I'm too excited to meet Alex. Yes yes yes, he is going to teach me stuffs about summoning. Why am I more interesting by the fact that HE is going to teach me than summoning Furcas?

Oh, you know the answer, because is my IDOL!

I quickly went to his bungalow from my hostel after changing. As usual, his mother greeted me and he took me to his room and closed the door

Did I tell you that he is looking too cool with that hairstyle today?

"Shall we start?" He smirked, pinning me on the wall.

"Eh ?" I flushed "Sure..."

"Great" we took our seats as he passed me a rough page "I'll be dectating you few sentences and you have to write it. I'll increase my speed with time and make sure, you concentrate properly"

I nodded and started writing, he started saying words. It was easy in the beginning but I lost track when the speed increased.

"It's hard" I commented.

"I know, you need to increase your speed or the voices and things around you. The focus is very important" there he goes again with that charming smile.

"Yea... let's try once more" I said as he nodded. It was going pretty good and easy and we practiced a lot.

"Grace, take this book with you and complete reading it by today. Don't show it to anyone and make sure you return it to me tomorrow. We will start our another practice tomorrow only" he said and handed me the huge book of Demonology.

"Demonology ? But I want to only summon one devil" I said.

"It's not a whole demonology but just a part" he said and I look at the huge or GIANT object.

..... really a part.

"Okay...?" I said as he chuckled.

"It's the volume II of Demonology, called The Knight Of Hell" He said as his smiled formed a grin when he uttered the words.

Sounds interesting? I wish I could also study and research about this stuffs but you know, only rich kids gets all the benefits and we all have to suffer as beggers only.

Wish I could marry him....






"You fine, Grace?" Alex asked as I flinched.

"Y-yeah! I'm completely okay! Oh, it's late, I think I need to go and thanks again" with that I dashed out of his room with the book.

I really became insane....

* * *

"Being insane is not bad, it means you are helping mental hospital to earn more money by being their patient"

What the—? Eh, nevermind!

What the—? Eh, nevermind!

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