"Ok, let's go ahead and go through this file, before we get started," I said as I flipped through a few of the papers that were inside of the file

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"Ok, let's go ahead and go through this file, before we get started," I said as I flipped through a few of the papers that were inside of the file.

"Demi," He said, as I paused and lifted the paper up, and looked over at him, "You look great," He continued to say. At this point I could feel my cheeks starting to turn red. I quickly looked back down. I'm not sure what it was about carter, but there was always something about him that made me feel special. I tried to focus on the documents.

"I'm sorry that I stopped calling," He said once again, distracting me even more. I set down the papers and looked up at him.

"Carter, it's okay. You were busy, and I was busy. Things happen. All is forgiven," I said with a smile, and then tried to direct my focus back over towards his file.

"I was going to tell you I was back," He spoke up again. I looked over at him. I was unsure if I should have this conversation, but I continued anyways.

"When did you get back?" I asked him, as I turned around and now directed my full attention towards Carter.

"I got back about a month or two ago," He answered, quickly, then there was silence between us.

"I got back about a month or two ago," He answered, quickly, then there was silence between us

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"Oh, so, awhile," I finally said, a little disappointed. I'm not sure why I was disappointed, maybe because there was a day when I always hoped Carter would return and come back for me. So hearing that he had been back for a while, and the fact he never tried to reach out, just shows how little he thought about me.

"A short while, yeah. I came back because my grandma is very sick," he paused. I continued to watch him. "I was going to reach out, but I have been so busy taking care of her," He said once more.

"Is she okay?" I asked him.

"She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Its progressively getting worse, so, no, not really," He said quietly. I could tell that he was sad. I wanted to comfort him.

"I am so sorry. Will you be able to stay in town for a while, or do you have to get back to the hospital?" I asked him.

"Well, actually, that's the thing," He said. I looked at him confused. "You know how I originally wanted to be a cardio thoracic surgeon, well, seeing my grandmother go through this, has made me have a change of heart. I actually have decided to specialize in Alzheimer's and help those people who are dealing with this. So, I transferred out to the Hospital here in Los Angeles," He said.

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