Credits : Drawing Skill Team on Drawing Skill apphttp://www

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Credits : Drawing Skill Team on Drawing Skill app

She takes Mark's work as a souvenir and leaves the cell, having hoped that he would return before she left even though their goodbyes would have been awkward. However, now, Frost prefers to move on, leave the prison as well as a criminal behind and go back to making a life with Caitlin along with the Team Flash. She leaves the prison happy to feel the fresh air against her face, the noise of the cars, the life in Central City. The young woman remains several tens of seconds to look around her, the sun illuminating the day. She finally sees Cecile's car parked a little further and goes quietly. As she walks, the lawyer sitting behind the wheel lowers her window.

"Get in the back seat Frost." She says calmly.

The ice meta-human finds it a bit suspicious at the time but doesn't pay any more attention than that, just looking forward to getting home and seeing her friends again. She reaches the car and opens the left rear door to get in.

"Surprise!" Caitlin shouts as she sits on Cecile's right in the passenger seat

"Cait'! You came." answers Frost, moved by coming to make a kind of hug to her sister, something not easy inside a car.

"Of course, I came! I wouldn't have missed you getting out of jail for the world. I missed you so much sister." The doctor said as Cecile starts the car and drives towards Star Labs. The further they get from Iron Heights, the more Frost gets her powers back.

"To me too Cait', I can't wait to watch This is us with you, to go back to fighting crime."

"We'll do whatever you want. Are you okay? I feel like you have a bruise on your cheekbone," the chestnut-haired woman says as she comes over and puts her hand on Frost's cheek for a closer look.

"Yes, I'm fine, this is-- This is a fight that went bad but everything is fine I promise, I'm not in pain and now that my powers are coming back it will heal and disappear in no time." She said smiling, happier than ever.

"We'll make sure you never have to go back," Cecile added, interjecting herself into the Snow sisters' conversation. "We're aiming for only a suspended sentence, as long as you behave yourself, you'll be free."

"Is that really possible you think?" asks Frost, not sure if she should expect such a light sentence or not.

"As I told you, the new judge, Ms. Wright is a very accommodating judge, a meta-human herself who had a hard time as a teenager. She's all about sympathy and giving you a second chance.

"That's great." The sisters say at the same time and then smile at each other. That's how Caitlin notices the drawing Frost is holding in her hands. "What is written on your paper?"

"Written? It's a drawing, there's nothing written on it," Frost finds a way to add a lie, not wanting her sister to imagine anything about the roomate she had in prison, even though he's the one who drew a self-portrait for his fellow inmate "A drawing I did."

"On the back, it's written something." Caitlin declares

At the moment Frost turns the paper over, quite confused and not understanding what Caitlin means, and then reads aloud what is written.

"63 downing street"

"Why did you write that?"

The young woman is speechless for a moment, trying to figure out why there is this address on the back of the artwork Mark did for her. 'The drawing that Mark made for me', she thought. And suddenly she finally realizes that it's a message left for her by the handsome Mark.

"Frost? Are you okay?" questions Caitlin as Frost stays silent.

"Yes, it's...a reminder. Do you mind taking me there Cecile? I won't be long."

"No worries, we'll do as you wish." She replies while changing direction.

"Thanks." A few minutes later they arrived. The 63 downing street is the address of the bar where Mark and the young woman met a few weeks before.

"Do you want us to come with you?" offers Cecile looking at Frost.

"Um...No, it's something I have to do alone," She says as she comes to look at the front door of the bar from the back of the car before handing the drawing to her sister. "Will you hold this for me? Please don't ruin it." Caitlin then takes it thoughtfully and nods her head in agreement.

"We're heading back to Star Labs, just call one of us when you want us to come to get you."

"No worries. How do I look?" she asks while neatly combing back her beautiful light hair.

"Mark will think you're perfect." Compliments the doctor with a nod to her sister. Frost seems surprised but is ultimately pleased that Caitlin knows her so well, she responds with a smile, and then gets out of the car while Cecile and Caitlin head back to Star Labs.

The lady enters the bar, which is completely silent and seems empty. She walks into the room and in the center is a table for two, set to perfection. There is a bouquet of white lilies in a vase, a very light blue tablecloth, and silver dishes. It was neither too romantic nor too cheap. The bar wasn't really empty; indeed, a man emerges from the shadows behind the bar counter holding two lagoon blue cocktails in his hands.

"I was waiting for you Snowflake."

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