Chapter 15: Just A Bug

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(I'm impatient as hell so you may notice I don't know how to hint only how to do)

I stood next to Jasper, twitching with nerves as Alice zeroed in on the army. Jasper grabbed my hand and his calm rolled over me like waves. Didn't work. I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and liquid spilled from my mouth into the toilet.

I had been being sick a lot lately. I blamed it on the nerves. Jasper appeared behind me, his hand in my lower back as another round hit me and I vomited again.

"Sorry," I coughed.

"Your fine love, I'm sure this whole thing is very stressful," Jasper said. He continued rubbing my back as I threw up again before nodding that I was fine now. He scooped me up under the legs and carried me like a baby back out to the rest of the Cullens and Bella.

"Whats the news?" Jasper asked.

"We have two days," Alice confirmed. "From what I can see Bird should be over her puking spe- spoke to soon, nope she pukes right before the battle, so Bird of you," Alice rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry I know it smells awful, I don't know what's coming over me lately," I blushed.

"Its probably just your vampire immune system ejecting all the human nasties," Emmett shrugged.

"Perhaps you caught a human bug and your vampire immune system is overreacting, what are your symptoms?" Carlisle asked.

"Uhm, I have a headache sometimes, and I feel like when I used to be human and not have slept until 3 then woken up at 7, then I get dizzy from running to much as a vampire," I listed.

Carlisle looked shocked, then shook his head. "Coincidence," he whispered. Then he looked up with a smile. "You'll be fine, probably just stress like Jasper said," Carlisle smiled.

"I told you I'll be fine," I said to Jasper.

"I know I'm just worried, you've been through so much and I don't want you getting hurt," Jasper said.

"And I won't, I'm more than capable of protecting myself," I laughed. He set me down and grabbed my hand again.

"Carlisle can I talk to you?" Alice asked in a squeak.

"Yes dear, lets go to my study," Carlisle smiled.

"Perhaos somewhere a little more quiet," Alice said.

"Follow me," Carlisle said. He raced off with Alice following and I just looked at Jasper confused.

Alice's PoV

"When are you gonna tell them!" I hissed as we pulled to a stop in the middle of the woods.

"It can't be possible they're both vampires!" Carlisle insisted.

"It is I saw it!" Alice insisted.

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Carlisle asked.

"I think sh- I mean it will be okay," Alice said.

"Then I purpose we let things play out like normal," Carlisle said.

Bird's PoV

I leaned across Jasper lap, popping a hot cheeto in my mouth. I found that spicy food doesn't taste like mushy lake scum. Jasper beat Emmett in Mario Cart again and I cheered.

"Nice one!" I cheered. I gave Jasper a high five. "I'd kiss you but I have spicy cheeto lips," I said. I licked my lips clean of the dusties and he kissed before I bit into another one.

Alice and Carlisle finally returned and I smiled at them.

"What was up, something to do with the army?" I asked.

"Oh no, Alice just had a few questions about something she read in an old medical text book of mine," Carlisle waved me off.

"Okay," I shrugged. "Jasper," I said.

"Yes darling," Jasper said calmly, despite absolutely destroying Emmett again.

"Can you please remove your arms from around me," I said sweetly. He picked her arms away from me and I raced to the bathroom, immediately losing all of the spices cheetos I just ate. I walked back in casually, determined not to look weak or as sick as I felt as I sort of collapsed across Jasper.

"We're going hunting tomorrow then we'll come back and set up in the meadow," Alice announced.

"I'm down for that," I smiled.

"Will we have time for a full hunting trip?" Edward asked.

"Not you, your staying with Bella," Alice said.

"Alright," Edward smiled.

"And Bird's gonna find she'll feel a lot better when she stops eating that human crap and gets a little blood in her," Alice announced.

"Well then, just a few more hours before the suns up again," Jasper smiled.

"It really that late?" I asked.

"Yeah, I kinda forgot to bring you back to Charlie," Jasper laughed.

"Well I have to get jn bed before he wakes up on the couch and realizes that I'm not home," I giggled. Jasper picked me up and kissed my nose, promising Emmett he would return to finish the match before he took me home and let me slowly drift to sleep on my bed.

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