CHAPTER 19- I'll be fine

Start from the beginning

Its all my fault and what hurts even more is that the day of their son's birthday is also the day his mom died, their life could have been full of happiness but no, this is what happens.

I somehow managed to get home without killing myself and the other people on the road. It was extremely late at night so there were not much people or cars, so I made it out alive. The guilt was eating me alive and it still is, how will I face him? 

How will I look into his eyes knowing I'm the reason his wife is not with him anymore, that I'm the reason their son will grow up without a mother>

Kajol tried talking but I didn't open my mouth and sat in my room, drowning myself in guilt.

Arjun managed to get me to talk and I don't know how but he managed to calm me down like Kajol. She's the only one whose been able to do that but now, even he can.

I even blabbered out something that is always on my mind.

Why is it always me?

I just hope he doesn't ask anything about and miraculously forgets about it. Is it too much to ask?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Arjun move. I tilted my head to look at him who was trying to block the sunlight out but failed.

He looked so freaking cute. I had a smile on my face on looking at him.

"Wanna tell me how much longer you'll stare?" I heard his husky sexy morning voice which sent a shiver down my spine. And then there is his infamous smirk.

My eyes the hell does he catch me... every time??

"I wasn't staring" I looked down hiding my red cheeks from his gaze.

He chuckled which brought a small smile on my face.

I looked at him and our eyes locked with one another.

We kept staring at each other with a small smile playing on both our lips.

"Please tell me your done." I heard Kajol's voice.

I broke our eye contact and looked towards her, she was standing near the door with a hand covering her eyes.

She slowly moved her hands and looked at us, she first smiled which said 'I approve' but then quickly covered it again and closed the door and yelled form out "Please keep it PG-13 in there."

My eyes went wide and my mouth open. My face is resembling a tomato early in the morning. What an amazing way to wake up.

You can't deny you didn't like waking up on his lap

No I can't.

I could feel his intense gaze on me so I looked at him with a raised brow "What?" 

He smiled and shook his head "Nothing" 

I nodded my head slightly.

"Maybe we should get up?" I was extremely comfortable but, his eyes on me kinda...made me feel....I don't know how to explain it.

"Hmm or we could keep sitting like this, we both know your comfortable." he said like it was nothing.

Well newsflash! Its not nothing!! Its everything!!!

"Arjun!" I whine and hide my face in his chest. Please tell me why I did that?

I need help. Period.

You always did hun

He smiled and held my waist and got up lifting me along too. 

"How did you do that?" I raised my brows.

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