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    "Let's go, Laide. We have to get to school, darling." The girl walked out of hers and Jaspers shared bathroom with her hair down and a smile on her face. She looked at Jasper and chuckled, wrapping her arms around the boys neck, standing on her toes to look into his eyes.

    "Ready for another senior year, cowboy?" The boy smirked before wrapping an arm around the girl, running out of the car and down to the car, Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, and Killian already in the car waiting for them. "Wheres Edward?" The group motioned towards the boys car to see him already pulling out of the driveway. "Well that's rude."

    "I'll take Kil and Rose, Jasper, you take Em and Addy. Sound good to everyone?" The group nodded their heads as Jasper got into the drivers side of Emmetts grey jeep.

    "I call shotgun!" Emmett and Adelaide raced to the car for the front seat, the both of them getting to the door at the same time.

    "This is my car, I should get shotgun." Adelaide scoffed and shook her head, clearly not going to give up the seat.

    "Rosalie, tell Bigfoot to give me the seat so I can sit next to Jasper." The three in the car laughed at the twos' nonsense before Rosalie spoke calmly to Emmett, trying to coax him out of wanting the seat.

    "Em, I know if I were driving, you'd want to sit next to me too. Let her have the seat." It's almost as if she had put a spell on him and brainwashed him because he began to move but stopped when he realized what she was doing.

    "Hey, no fair." The girl smirked at Emmett before stepping towards him and placing her hand on his forearm, beginning to use her powers.

    "Get in the back seat, Emmett." The boys eyes were no longer gold but white as he nodded his head and began to get in the back.

    "I'll get in the back seat." Jasper chuckled and shook his head as his girlfriend got in the front with him. Technically, Adelaide was Jaspers wife but if the said that and told people they were actually married, people would question them and it would turn into a big mess. Only the family knew they were married, just like Rosalie and Emmett and Killian and Alice. "Hey, you can't do that."

    "Yes, I can. I literally just did it." Jasper placed his hand on Adelaides lower thigh, closer to her knee before she placed her hand on top of his.

    "Enough fighting, you two. We can't be late on the first day." Adelaide turned to smirk at Emmett and gave him the finger, making him glare at her.

    "You hear that, Frankenstein, stop being a little bitch." Emmett growled at the girl as they drove off, the tall boy got out of the back seat and stood up, laughing as they pulled into the parking lot. Everyone stared at the two cars like they always did, admiring the beautiful Cullen clan. Jasper always felt weird emotions coming from everyone when they walked past. Especially the emotions the boys felt when Adelaide walked past and he hated it.

    "I don't like the way these guys feel about you, darling." Jasper wrapped his arm tightly around her waist, pulling her close to him as Emmett made his way to Rosalie and Killian, who had his hand intertwined with Alice's.

    "Meet you guys outside before lunch?" The group all nodded their heads before they parted ways, the boys walking their girlfriends to class. Luckily, Jasper and Adelaide had their first two classes together so they got to walk together. Their first class was French and it was an easy A for the both of them because they had always taken French as their language for school.

    "For the first time in a long time, I feel tired. Can you believe that?" Jasper smiled as the girl rested her head on his shoulder, her hand interlocking with his. He put his hand under her chin, making him look at her, seeing her golden brown eyes were now black, making him sigh.

    "Well, we haven't exactly gotten to hunt, sweetheart." The boy lightly pecked her forehead as the class carried on.


    "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" The boy watched as the girl sat in front of him, messing with a bunch of the flowers in her hands, lacing them together. The two were the first ones out of class so they sat waiting for the rest of the group, Adelaide sitting in between Jaspers legs with her back against his chest.

    "Making Emmett a flower crown. I made fun of him for being dramatic in fourth and called him a princess so, I'm gonna give him a crown." Jasper chuckled at his girlfriends actions, kissing her cheek as the rest of the family walked towards them, Edward following behind the two couples. "Get your ass over here, King Kong." The boy snarled at the girl before letting his grip on Rosalie go and taking the crown from the girls hand.

    "A flower crown, really?" The girl stood up, helping Jasper up before turning to the tall brunette, a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

    "Cmon, you'd get to be a pretty princess." The whole group broke out in laughter as Adelaide forced the boy to put in on with her powers. Emmett was always the easiest to control when it came to her powers.

    "Alright, let's go. Don't want to leave al of our fans waiting." It was no secret that the Cullen family had people willing to do anything just to be with them and it honestly made the family laugh, knowing what they could do if they got close enough.

    "Alright there, cowboy?" The boy looked at the girl and nodded his head as she pulled him towards the cafeteria.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐋𝐘, j.h.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora